I have not been inclined to believe in space aliens.  The Bible says that Satan can disguise himself even as an angel of light, and the Scriptures do not deal with the subject.  Therefore, I haven’t spent my time delving into that.  I place the idea into one of two categories (or both):

  1. a deception
  2. a distraction

Because God does not address the matter in the Scriptures, I feel that it is not central to the point around which the Scriptures revolve.  There is no end to what God could have included in the Scriptures.  However, everything in them either points to, prophesies of, foreshadows or explains The Deal between God and man.  The timeline on The Deal is coming to a close, so that makes it even more of a priority to not get distracted.

That being said, I suspect that something to do with extraterrestrials (real or otherwise) will be a part of end times/latter days events.

As I said, I have not spent my time delving into the matter and I am no expert.  Like everyone else, I have some familiarity with the subject.  Many people claim to have had encounters with otherworldly beings.  The dominant themes that emerge seem to be:

  • Fear and negative feelings surrounding the encounter
  • Being dominated
  • Being physically examined
  • Mental perceptions being altered

It also seems, but I could be mistaken, that most people describe these aliens similarly.  The pictures I have seen all portray them as humanoid, resembling fetuses in my opinion.

Here are my thoughts regarding who these beings, might be.

Whatever these beings are, they were created or allowed by God.  He was, in the beginning, the creator of all that existed.  Since then, many things have been created from what He provided in the beginning.  However, unlike God, no one has been able to create anything apart from the basic building blocks that God put in place.  Therefore these beings are subject to Him and the laws of His kingdom.

While God’s kingdom is based upon free will, these beings apparently do not respect the free will of those they encounter.  They dominate and control the objects of their interest.

Now, IF life were to arise, by itself, in some distant galaxy-why would the beings so closely resemble humans?  Look at the incredible diversity of life here on earth and pair that with the odds of evolution!  What are the chances of such similarities AND the intersection between us and them both in TIME and in PLACE in the vastness of the universe that is billions of years old?!

The theories I have currently, which seem plausible to me, are:

  1. The beings are fallen angels/demons
  2. The beings had a human ancestor here on earth

(I won’t elaborate on the first idea here, but it will be explained in the context of a future blog on The 2 Kingdoms.)

So, if we consider the idea that these beings had a human ancestor here on earth, it opens up a number of possibilities.  I’ll admit that, because I don’t have the time or the inclination to really ponder this to any degree, I have formed an opinion without a great deal of thought or research into the matter.  I have taken up this opinion based on things I do know, and an idea that came to me from who-knows-where*.

I don’t believe that humans have ever mastered time travel.  I believe that whenever they have been on the brink of that discovery, that God has ‘pressed the reset button’.  But I have long thought that man, perhaps at one time, lived on Mars and utterly destroyed its atmosphere.

It could be that pre-flood mankind did colonize other planets, or create space colonies of some sort.  It could be that these people, once sent into space, were affected both by the conditions of where they chose to live, and by having a limited gene pool for reproduction. Or they may have employed cloning, or some other method, to reproduce.  It is also possible that ancient man understood the DNA code and had chosen to create different races of men. What if these beings are humanoid and were either, by choice or circumstance, genetically altered or mutated?  What if they come in search of purer DNA to heal themselves?

My concern is either that these encounters are real and the enemy, using the opportunity they afford, will weave them into his plan for domination of all mankind (or that he has inspired the visits as part of his plan) OR that these are merely demonic entities and it is all part of his elaborate deception to conquer and control mankind.

Whichever the case, certain things remain true:

  • There is a God that, in the beginning, created all things.  He is still alive and Lord over all.  He has given us all free will and, unless invited to by his people, will not interfere again in the affairs of mankind, until the appointed time.
  • There is an enemy (Satan and his following of fallen angels/demons) whose time is short.  The keys to this world were given into his hands when Adam (to whom God had given the keys) chose to sin. He is one ‘god’ that goes by many names and it is his goal to control all of mankind and to enlist the support of as many as he can in his rebellion against God.
  • Since Adam, all mankind is born into sin and each one will ultimately commit sin him/herself.  Once a person knowingly sins, they are cut off from relationship with God.
  • God is a triune being-3 beings in one (Father, Son & Holy Spirit).  He decided that, to save mankind whom He loves, He must come to earth in flesh, live a sinless life and pay for the sins of all mankind, so that they could be reconciled to Him.
  • He, The Son, surrendered Himself to death & hell, and paid the price of sin for all mankind.  He was resurrected on the third day.
  • This Son, Jesus, is the ONLY way for mankind to have a relationship with God. By accepting His death & punishment on our behalf, by repenting of our sins, and by commiting ourselves to serve Him and live by His standards, we are set free.
  • Whether these beings are descended from man or are fallen angels, they, as we are, are subject to God and created according to His plan.
  • They will probably be part of a Satanic deception or distraction.
  • They are irrelevant to God’s plan for mankind.

*I believe ideas can come from several sources:

  • God
  • The enemy/Satan/demons
  • Our own imaginations
  • Other people
  • Our intuition/gut feelings

I believe our intuition is our subconscious mind processing everything that we take in by way of our five senses.  It then produces a result that comes to us as a dream, an idea, or a feeling.
Because our subconscious mind is aware of many more things that our conscious mind, and because it works in the background, free of conscious censorship, and because it can access all the memories that our conscious mind can forget, it can add a deeper dimension to our understanding of the world around us.
HOWEVER-it, just like our conscious mind, can be influenced by the other sources listed above.  It is also limited, like our conscious mind, to what it has actually experienced and perceived.  It is NOT a source of unlimited wisdom and absolute truth.
It is sort of like the difference between a calculator and a supercomputer: it can process the information better and faster, and calculate more possibilies, but it is still dependent on the information that is given to it.
For people that have learned to connect with their subconscious mind, it can be a valuable tool.


Update 7/22/11–It’s been a long time since I wrote this post, but I wanted to update it with a link to an interesting interview:





What Does The Devil Look Like?

Angels, Demons & Raising The Dead