Archive for December, 2010

” 35.  The Koran plainly and openly instructs men to physically beat their “insubordinate” wives. (Koran 4:34)”


International Society for Human Rights

Stop The Oppression of Muslim Women

Quoted from:

” 34.  Allah, the Muslim moon God, can and does break his word and promises because “he is god”. Jesus taught that students are never above their teachers. This may be instructive in dealing with Muslims in politics, business, diplomacy and socialization.”

Quoted from:


(In other words, Muslims can and do break their word . . . )

” 33.  Islam evangelizes with the physical sword, Christianity evangelizes with the sword of the Spirit (the message of the Gospel) Islam grows by placing a crescent moon shaped knife to the throat to force conversion. Christianity offers freedom of each individual to accept or reject the eternal life offered by Jesus Christ, the son of God.”


Quoted from:

If a homosexual is not content

to serve in the military

without openly expressing

his or her sexual preference,

then I question

whether that person’s primary allegiance

is to their country,

or to furthering the homosexual agenda.

“Folks are also unaware that US Army Spc.  Bradley Manning, a radical ‘gay’ activist who marched in ‘gay’ pride parades, is the prime suspect in WikiLeaks.  It is alleged that Manning, an intelligence analyst in Iraq, sold out his country by transmitting classified military and diplomatic information which was released by WikiLeaks’ owner Julian Assange.  Being openly ‘gay,’ Manning should have been denied the opportunity to serve.  If the military had done a more thorough job when conducting background investigations, Bradley Manning would not be facing potential charges of treason.

Why did Bradley Manning sell out his country?  He was depressed.  The record shows that he was angry over the Army’s failure to accommodate his “sexual orientation.”  Plus he had gone through a breakup with his lover and, after striking a fellow soldier in the face, the Army demoted him a rank. Since he felt he had no future he decided that sharing classified information about his government’s foreign policy might “actually change something.””

Quoted from:

PLEASE Wake Up!!
An Attack On America Is Imminent! (The Drunken Whore Part 2)

” 32. It is the formal stated policy of the Koran and modern Muslim leaders to take over the world and replace the constitution of the USA with Shariah law and install loudspeakers throughout the land forcing everyone to endure the “howling of the demons” 5 times a day and bow to the Moon God in prayer. They certainly would abolish our public noise bylaws to say the least!”

Quoted from:

Gay Man With Rainbow Umbrella

Uncle Sam Wants You


“You too will become drunk;
you will go into hiding and seek refuge from the enemy.
All your fortresses are like fig trees with their first ripe fruit;
when they are shaken, the figs fall into the mouth of the eater.
Look at your troops—they are all women!
The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies;
fire has consumed their bars.”
Nahum 3: 11-13


Flamboyant Cross Dresser


Babylon’s warriors have stopped fighting;
they remain in their strongholds.
Their strength is exhausted;
they have become like women.
Her dwellings are set on fire;
the bars of her gates are broken.
Jeremiah 51: 30




The repeal of  ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’  is just one more phase of Obama’s invitation to the rest of the world to ‘please decimate America’.

It may also be a clever ploy to recruit outcasts, with the goal of building an army that will be intensely loyal to him.

Gay Clowns?

Others have speculated that it may be for very dark reasons that Obama would want a military comprised of people who already–according to the Bible–have had their consciences seared.

Gay S & M Group

Gay S & M Group

(It brings to mind the number of Obama appointees that were discovered to have  not been paying their taxes–enough of them to make one wonder if that were a prerequisite to serving in his administration, the same administration that has brought much darkness to America in the past two years.)

Whatever the case, I believe it is one more action that is going to invite God’s judgment on America.

Or, perhaps it IS God’s judgment on America!

Gay pride---boobs


“”I am against  you,” declares the Lord Almighty.
“I will lift your skirts over your face.  I will show the nations your nakedness and the kingdoms your shame.
I will pelt you with filth, I will treat you with contempt
and make you a spectacle.””
(Nahum 3: 5-6)


Christians, Vampires And Dragons

Why Do You Insist We Repeal DADT?

Homosexuality: Why Is It Such A Big Deal?

Egyptian god of the dead statue

Egyptian god of the dead statue

““I am against you,” declares the Lord Almighty.  “I will lift your skirts over your face.  I will show the nations your nakedness  and the kingdoms your shame.”  Nahum 3: 5

Enough said?

Obama’s Army

Is God Judging America?

Do any of you other believers feel this way?

Hey World!

I hate you.  I hate the things you think are lovely.   I’ve listened to what you offer and I say, “Eat your own garbage”.  You set rules for what is beautiful.  You despise righteousness and clamour to wickedness.  Everything you promote reeks of sin.  There’s nothing in you that’s beautiful, lovely, or eternal.


(sorry the link no longer works–it appears the author has removed the post . . . )