Tag Archive: government

I usually have about 50-80 hits per day on my site.  Nothing to brag about.  However, for some reason, 250+ people came to my site on Monday to find out more about the murals at the Denver International Airport.  Where did these people come from?  How did they find out about my blog?  What made them all wonder about the airport murals that day?  (The murals were first ‘exposed’ several years ago.)

I say all that as a lead in to what I intended to write today.

I had a glimpse, a few hours ago, of something I had not considered.  Those of us (just ordinary people) who are ‘awake’ to what is going on (the United States shadow government, Bilderbergers, CFR, Bible Prophecy, etc.)  have been frustrated at how many people are ‘sleeping’ (unaware).  We have practically been screaming to people to wake up–to family (who won’t listen), to friends (who won’t listen), and finally, to the whole nameless faceless world out there via the internet.  I think we have been so intent on getting people to wake up, that we have not stopped to consider what will happen when they do.

Most of us who post to the internet are aware that things stay in cyberspace ‘forever’–at least the way things are set up now they do.  That, at least, has been a comfort.  We know we have done our part and said our piece.  Someday, someone will take heed.  It may be today, next month, next year . . . or twenty years from now.  The airport mural story illustrates that.  It was written over a year ago.

What I glimpsed today was the face of a young person who has awakened to what is going on.  This was a real person, a young man who had posted a video on YouTube.  As I watched his video I noticed, and remembered, a lot of things.

  • Most people are really angry when they wake up to the situation
  • Young people tend to be more brash and reckless
  • Young people tend to have less impulse control
  • Young people tend to be more violent and have shorter tempers

Young people are the generation(s) that are going to reap the fruit of what is now being sown–in other words, they are going to have a lot more to be angry about.  As conditions worsen, they are going to be looking for answers . . . and for someone to blame.  As they start asking questions, they are going to find the same answers we did . . . and they are going to find the things we are writing, trying to wake you (their parents and grandparents).  However, I believe that their anger is going to be magnitudes greater than yours/ours.

I suspect that they are going to continue to ignore what we are writing, until the economy gets worse.  But, eventually they are going to wake up to the fact that there is no ‘American Dream’ possible for them, that this is not just an ‘economic downturn’, and that the situation is not going to improve.  They are going to be angry.  Then they will begin to look for someone to blame.

They will be just as angry as we are at the international bankers and corrupt government officials.  But here’s something to consider:  when they see how long we/you have known . . . how long the warning message has been going out . . . and how we/you preferred not to deal with it–especially while something COULD have been done, without bloodshed . . . they are going to discover how they have been betrayed, by the generations that went before them.

When they are homeless, and going without meals, and they realize that we (their parents and grandparents)  knew about this but did nothing–that we didn’t want to rearrange our lives and endure a little hardship now so they would not endure a living hell later . . . how do you think they are going to feel towards you?  Do you suppose there will be one bit of respect, loyalty or compassion left in their hearts for you?

(For those of you who say you are Christians–do you think there will ever again be one iota of respect in their hearts for your God, or for Christianity?)

It may stink to consider making sacrifices in your life–but it has become the American way of life to borrow from the future.  We don’t deny ourselves anything, even though we know there will be a price to pay ‘someday’.

Here’s a news flash:  ‘Someday’ is your children and grandchildren!!

What we do, and don’t pay for, today is going to be a burden on the backs of our children and grandchildren.  You may be able to put the thought out of your mind and go ahead and indulge yourself, but I guarantee that every halting step they take, under all those heavy burdens, they will think of us.  (For those of you who worry about euthanasia in your old age–your subconscious is trying to get a message to you now: ‘you will reap what you sow!!’)

But I’m not just talking about how we spend our money–I’m talking about how we deal with, or better stated, how we don’t deal with problems.  The things we don’t deal with today are going to have to be dealt with ‘someday’.  Yes, there it is again:  ‘Someday’ is your children and grandchildren!!

It is time for our generation(s) to grow up and be adults!  It is time to start thinking about those who are following behind us.  As long as we continue to each ‘look out for number one’, as long as we continue to look the other way and not deal with the problems our nation is facing, the more responsibility we are putting on our children and grandchildren’s generations to clean it all up!

Here’s another news flash:  While our backs are turned, the plans of evil people come to fruition.

As long as we continue to focus only on ourselves, evil people are spinning webs to ensnare our children and grandchildren.  There is still time to confront what is going on.  There is still opportunity for a bloodless revolution, but the window of opportunity is closing.

Let me paint a picture for you–if we fail to deal with the evil and corruption that are entrenched in our government and economy, and if we fail to do it soon, things are going to radically change for the worse.  That’s fine if you want to live under that kind of a system–but if we don’t do anything, we are imposing that system upon future generations-who probably don’t want it! 

Truth be told, we don’t want it either–we are just being too lazy and self-absorbed to do anything to prevent it.  We are hanging onto our comfort today, and the HOPE that it won’t turn out that way.  But we are wrong on both counts.  Because of our not dealing with it, things will not be comfortable for our children and grandchildren–and they will not have the luxure of hope, like we still do.

Contrary to what some comfortable people might think–losing one’s home does not drive most people to desperation.  Losing one’s car does not drive most people to desperation.  Even losing one’s reputation and credibility doesn’t drive most people to desperation.  What DOES drive people to desperation is losing HOPE!

Weigh that against the sacrifices you could potentially make to help turn things around.

children/grandchildren:  NO HOPE   vs.   you:  loss of credibility for speaking up

children/grandchildren:  NO HOPE   vs.   you:  reputation affected by protesting injustice or corruption

children/grandchildren:  NO HOPE   vs.   you:  giving up something to make a difference

children/grandchildren:  NO HOPE   vs.   you:  giving up the comfort of living in denial

What all of this is leading up to is what I saw:

If  WE, this generation of parents and grandparents, do not do what we can . . . someday our children and grandchildren, desperate and without hope, will rise up to fight.

If  WE do not initiate a bloodless revolution, while ‘cooler heads prevail’ . . . someday our children and grandchildren will give their lives to win back their freedom.

If WE do not surrender some of our comfort now and do what we can . . . someday the blood of our children and grandchildren will flow in the streets.

If WE do not do what we can now, we will have betrayed our children and grandchildren, and become complicit in the crimes against their generations . . . and their blood will be upon OUR hands.

If we do not do something now, while the opportunity still exists, they will take matters into their own hands.  When they wake up to what is going on, they are going to angrily (and I fear, violently) take matters into their own hands.  They could awaken any day.  How long does it take for something to ‘go viral’ on the internet?

I find my  position, in some ways, reversed.  I now pray God keeps the younger generation asleep and unaware–and I pray that our generation wakes up and does something soon!

Please–for the love of your children, for the love of your grandchildren–please do what you can!  Speak up–spread the word–wake your friends and family.  (You may lose credibility for awhile, but when the truth comes out you will be vindicated. )  Resist lawfully and nonviolently.  But for goodness sake–start fighting back!

The only way to keep our children from starting an angry violent revolution tomorrow, is that we deal with the mess ourselves today.

(Continued in Saving America–Where Do We Begin?)

If This Is True, We’d Better Not Yield To The Temptation

Overnight Disaster!!

Because of a handful of Al Qaida terrorists and an overwhelming desire not to deal with anything unpleasant, we have let our government have carte blanche to fix the problem.  However, when was the last time we did our due diligence to reevaluate the problem and assess how well the government is taking care of it?

When is the last time you stepped back and assessed the terrorism problem, or the danger to the average American citizen?  Is the threat really as big as what we are being led to believe?

How about the solutions the government is implementing?  Are TSA patdowns of little children really necessary?  Must  we all be treated as potential terrorists?

Have you stopped to consider how many of your rights you have surrendered to the government to keep us safe?  Are we being ‘overcharged’?

Lets look at it like this:

Say you don’t like doing yard work, so you hire a guy to take care of your lawn.  Since you really don’t like doing yard work, you pay him a really good price.  You sign a contract for 6 months. Your new yard guy is so thrilled with the contract that he celebrates by buying a boat on payments.

As the contract nears its end, your yard guy starts bringing new problems to your attention–your grass is dying in one area, and you have a tree that is suddenly, inexplicably dying.  You agree to extend the contract, and he reseeds the lawn and cuts down the tree.

As the contract nears its end, he brings new problems to your attention–you have kudzu climbing up the south wall of your house and it is loosening the window shutters from the wall.  So you extend the contract and he removes the kudzu, but while he’s doing so, he notices that your windows need recaulked.  Reluctantly, you expand and extend your contract, and he recaulks your windows.

While recaulking your windows, he notices that your carpet needs cleaned and offers his services.  You rearrange your budget and agree that he can clean your carpet . . .

Are you getting the picture?  This guy just keeps pushing the limits.  He is making himself indispensable to you, but he’s becoming ever more intrusive.  He’s fixing problems, but somehow it seems that you now have more problems than before.  He’s draining you financially, yet you are afraid you can’t deal with all of this work yourself, if you let him go.  This is what our government is doing, now that we’ve given them our unsupervised approval to ‘keep us safe’ from the ambiguous threat of ‘terror’.

Let me ask you again:

Is the government creating ‘job security’ for itself?  Is there really a balance between the rights we are surrendering and the protection that is being provided?  Is the threat really as big as what we are being led to believe? or Has the government become our biggest threat?

A job well done has a beginning and an end.  If the United States would cancel it’s empire-building agenda and adopt an international policy of ‘do no harm’.  If it would instead hold American corporations and bankers responsible for what they do overseas  . . .  we would have little to fear.

When all is said and done, it is the American government, in collusion with Wall Street, that has created the provocation for terrorism against Americans.  Why are we entrusting them to provide us with the solution ?!!

American Empire–Sowing The Seeds Of Hatred

Did We Do This?  (Haiti Earthquake, part 2)

Consider this:

Presidential Executive Order 6102 Issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 5, 1933

(For Fair Use and Educational Purposes Only)

Confiscation of Gold and Silver and All Bank Safe Deposit Boxes Sealed by Law
“I, as President do declare that the national emergency still exists; that the continued private hoarding of gold and silver by subjects of the United States poses a grave threat to peace, equal justice, and well-being of the United States; and that appropriate measures must be taken immediately to protect the interest of our people. Therefore, pursuant to the above authority, I hereby proclaim that such gold and silver holdings are prohibited, and that all such coin, bullion or other possessions of gold and silver be tendered within fourteen days to agents of the Government of the United States for compensation at the official price, in the legal tender of the Government. All safe deposit boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed pending action in the due course of the law. All sales or purchases or movements of such gold and silver within the borders of the United States and its territories, and all foreign exchange transactions or movements of such metals across the border are hereby prohibited…” Proclamation by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Source: A Simultaneous Worldwide Depression, and a Worldwide Famine, and World War III  by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.

Folks, our current economic problems have been planned, and carried out, with the deliberate intention of transferring your wealth to the government and the international banking cartel.  Do you really think they forgot that you might invest in gold?  Or, in this high-stakes game of strategy, is it possible that’s exactly what they wanted you to do . . . ?

Collapse of US States?

The Philosophy Of Liberty

When I heard this, it chilled me to the bone:

“Government law enforcement agencies issued 8 million requests to Sprint to track individual cell phone users’ exact GPS location. The cell-phone users were, presumably, all unaware, that they were being tracked.  This was just Sprint!”

Visions of ‘FEMA camps’ danced through my head and I felt weak in the knees . . . It’s really happening . . .  Then, thankfully, the Lord reminded me that Satan uses a spirit of fear to manipulate and disempower believers.  Even though the report was from a source I have trusted, I looked into it more.

I believe the explanation Sprint gives is credible:
Many (most?) of the requests were for the GPS location of people calling 911 from cell phones, and from criminal and Amber Alert investigations. Each request is a ‘ping’–a brief signal sent out to locate a phone (or computer).  Sprint adds “It’s critical to note that a single case or investigation may generate thousands of individual pings to the network as the law enforcement or public safety agency attempts to track or locate an individual.”

I am of the opinion that ‘law enforcement request’, in regards to GPS location, probably means that the computer of a police department makes contact with a computer at Sprint–perhaps much like the way PayPal is contacted if you are buying items online and select PayPal as your payment option.  It does NOT mean the federal government sent over 8 million subpoenas to Sprint for records of the whereabouts of particular customers.  I’m not saying it hasn’t sent out any–I don’t know.  But nowhere near 8 million, if it has.

If you are concerned about being tracked by GPS (which maybe we should be, although it is probably inevitable), then turn off the GPS tracking on your cell phone, if you can.  If not, you might consider looking for a phone without it. And remember, that handy ‘Onstar’ in your car does the same thing.  I don’t have a navigational system, so I’m not familiar with them, but I expect many of them can track your location too.

I don’t necessarily think that the people reporting this story are trying to create a false panic–but that could have been the result.  Too much of this, and not only will we fail to heed the call when there truly is a cause for panic, but we will lose our credibility as well!  (Let’s keep it for as long as we can!)

The tables have turned.  In a country where Christians once received the highest respect, we are now becoming a laughingstock.  Of course, that will happen, as the power of darkness increases during these last days.  The truth will be distorted, lies will be told, jokes will be made at our expense.  We will be ‘smeared’ and slandered.  But lets have it be because of the truth of the gospel, rather than for being fanatically paranoid at everything that happens.

When we hear something frightening, lets take a deep breath, and get all the facts.  It is entirely possible (probably even very likely), these days, that things are being/will be said and done to bait us into a potentially dangerous panic for which our government can take some kind of action against us.  This administration has demonstrated that it cannot stand opposition, so I don’t think that is being paranoid.

We know that a lot of things will take place that will have horrible end results.  However, that doesn’t mean that is the motivation for these things happening (at least not in the human realm).  Although it will be the case at some point, no one is ‘out to get’ Christians–yet.  Lets not create a self fulfilling prophecy.  We need to ‘pick our battles’ carefully.  And, we need to understand that a lot of these horrible things that are going to happen . . . are part of God’s will.  They are part of a bigger picture and plan.

God Wants Us To Go To War!!
The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against Us

I’m enjoying a pleasant, late summer lunch with a couple of friends. Despite two of my six kids bickering a bit, and the yard needing mowed, and a leaky faucet dripping, I’m pretty content. You might even say I’ve gotten a bit lazy, spending a lot of afternoons napping in my hammock.

We’re joking around when I notice something different. We’ve been beset by the usual assortment of wasps and yellow jackets, but there’s one here I’ve never seen before. I first notice it as I go to take a bite of my burger. This guy is nearly inside and is wrestling with a piece of meat that it has apparently chewed loose. Something about his manner convinces me to just let him have it. Hoping that will be the end of it, I go back to my conversation.

Suddenly, my friend Miguel leaps out of his seat with a look of terror on his face. We can’t persuade him to sit down and for a couple of minutes, we can’t even get him to speak coherently. He pulls us towards the house, ranting about his village. As far as I know, he’s from LA. Finally we get him to take a breath and start over.

He tells us how, one spring when he was a boy, he journeyed to the nearest city with his uncle. It was a two day walk. When they returned home, everyone in the village was dead! No one was ever able to figure out what had happened, but there were puncture wounds on the bodies.

While we were eating and joking, a wasp had landed on his plate and it brought those horrible memories rushing back. He remembered seeing a few of these wasps before!  He had watched them building a nest in a tree stump once, when he was just a kid, and he is certain that it was the autumn before his trip to the city with his uncle!  He had never thought anything of it until now, but suddenly he was sure he knew what had happened to his village. Before that autumn, the people of his village had never seen those wasps, and he never saw them again-until now.

‘What wasps?’, our friend Alex keeps asking. Alex is an amateur naturalist, so he really knows his bugs. Overcome by curiosity, he goes back to the table and waits for one to appear. This guy is fearless. I’ve thought about nicknaming him ‘plays-with-bees’. A few minutes later I see him slowly walking backwards, his face very pale. He makes a wide circle around the table and comes back to where we’re waiting.

‘You have really got a problem’, he says. Turns out he had recently read about a particular species of killer wasp. Because they were supposed to be found only in Mexico, he hadn’t paid too much attention. But he felt certain this was the same wasp.

According to him, this species of wasp was predatory, aggressive and more dangerous than killer bees! In late summer a few would search out a good location and set up a nest. Then, during the winter, deep inside the nest, the numbers would explode. In the spring, on the first warm day, they would come out en masse. They were very sensitive to any sort of vibration near their nest, even a voice, and would respond by swarming and attacking. Their sting carried a strong toxin that made it lethal. There was no antivenom.

As abruptly as they appeared, they would disappear. Then in late summer, far away, a few would appear and search out a new location and set up a nest. It was also reported that no known insecticide had any effect on them.

I’m usually pretty calm and logical, but I was starting to panic. That was partly because I was noticing that a few of these wasps were going in and out of a tree stump I hadn’t gotten around to clearing out. The other reason is that the kids had started playing a rowdy game of tag and were running in all directions.

Now, let’s pause a minute. What do you think I did next? Do you think I insisted that Miguel again give me all the details of the spring that all the people of his village had died? Do you think I spent much time debating whether he could really have remembered something he had seen just once, so many years ago? Do you suppose I demanded that Alex provide me the source of his information, or tell me what his credentials were?

Actually, I did, to some extent. And soon I was convinced that both of them knew what they were talking about, were being honest, and their stories were in sync.  Then I sprung into action!

Soon the kids were safely corralled and the three of us were using one of Alex’s nets to catch and kill the wasps. By evening, we were pretty sure we’d gotten them all. Then I doused that stump and set it ablaze!! You see, it made a whole lot more sense to dive into danger and wipe them out while there were just a few, than to let their numbers explode and have it be impossible to overcome them.

The truth is, this didn’t really happen. It’s what we used to call a fable, and at the end of a fable was a moral. So, in case you didn’t catch it, the moral is this:

It is better to dive into danger and tackle a situation when it is small, than to wait until it has grown to such proportions that even tremendous effort is unlikely to result in victory.

So, why did I create this fable? To encourage you to take action now, while it is possible to make a difference! I don’t have time, in this post, to elaborate on what I am saying below. If you are just now hearing that there is a problem in America, please read my other posts for more explanation.

This administration has hijacked the country and is furiously building the framework for a new government. At the same time, forces are at work to destabilize things to the extent that this new government can seize power.

We are standing on the verge of anarchy. New corruption is being revealed every day. The old system is crumbling and it is too corrupt for us to go back to anyway. The new system being built is going to strip us of our rights and freedom to self-govern. If we allow it to continue, it may be impossible to ever defeat!

We must stop what the Obama administration is building, sweep the filth and corruption out of Washington, and reinstitute a stable form of government, free of corruption! And we must do it soon! This is urgent!

We are very vulnerable right now, and will continue to be, until we have established a stable government. Our international enemies are keenly watching our situation, forming alliances and moving into position to attack.

Yes, it is very important to be sure you are getting sound, honest information. But it is also important, after you do, to move quickly!

PLEASE, quickly start doing your own research. Check the facts, find out what is going on. And as soon as you are convinced, dive in! Yes, there is danger now in resisting this but, if we wait, the danger will multiply exponentially and the chances for success will GREATLY diminish!

I see this situation as a cicada (a nasty, ugly beast , in my opinion). It has crawled up out of the ground in the darkness and is still encased in its cocoon/exoskeleton. It cracks and the nasty little beast emerges. It stretches and sits, and waits, while it dries out and hardens. Then it flies away–and good luck if you want to catch it then. You’ve got to catch it some time between when it emerges and when it’s fully formed. This is a very small ‘window of opportunity’ that occurs in the dead of night.

So too, what is going on in our government today has been happening in darkness, but now light is shining on it and revealing the details. The window of opportunity to stop it is small. As soon as you are convinced, please act!

By no means am I advocating violence. We are being baited, in many ways, to do something that will allow them to justify taking drastic action–both against us and in seizing power. Please do not fall into that trap!

Be strong, be bold, be honest and speak out! Do whatever you can by legal means. Oppose every illegal, unconstitutional move they make. Surround them. Push back. Don’t give in. Don’t give up.

**We need our God and our guns–we need God always, and we need our guns, as a last line of defense if we are attacked by our international enemies. Our military personnel are spread far and wide, and are being depleted in the ongoing efforts in the middle East. We need our military back at home now, for our own defense. For that reason, please do all you can to help protect the 2nd amendment-our right to bear arms. An armed populace can be a powerful deterrent to foreign invasion!**

Here is a great critique on the state of the government in the USA.  Mr. Collins does a far better commentary on this point than I could.

I have no affiliation with Mr. Collins and I may or may not agree with all that he says on his posts–so far I have agreed with most of it.  I consider his blog to be a great source of current events and their probable relation to Biblical prophecies, so I will post the link here for you.

I am still undecided on the topic of whether the US is part of the ‘missing 10 tribes of Israel’.  However, even without having read the extensive information in his books, I think it is very likely true.  I will leave that for you to investigate and decide for yourself.

‘Who’s In Charge Of The US Government?’, Sat. October 24th 2009

I would like to add to Mr. Collins post that, it appears to me, Mr. Obama has delegated the running of the United States to his czars (superseding both the executive and legislative branches), and has now gone back to his global campaign, courting the world’s rulers and elite, in order to better his chances at being chosen president of the New World Order.


Why Are They Being Allowed To Steal Jobs From Americans?

Is It Time For The Unveiling?



It’s Time to Push Back!

Has my silence been giving the wrong impression?

For several decades I have been silent–a spectator. I may have written one or two ‘letters to the editor’, but I’m not sure. I never called in to voice my opinion on a talk radio show. I never held up a sign at a rally. In fact, I’m not sure I ever WENT to a rally!

I am starting to believe that my silence may have spoken louder than words. I think that my failing to exercise my freedom of speech may have given the impression that it wasn’t important to me. That by not giving voice to my opinions, it was assumed I was aligned with the majority.

Well, now I’m ‘going postal’ in the blogosphere. Realizing I might lose my right to speak out, I’ve decided to give my viewpoints while I still can.

Our rights have been eroding for a long time. At first it was our own fault. We willing yielded our right to speak by not exercising it. Later, it began to get a bit uncomfortable as ‘political correctness’ swept the nation, but we submitted to that too. The final stage will be to wrest away from us the portion of that freedom that we have held onto.

This is a pattern that repeats itself all around us. It is a principal by which things in this world operate.

We have realized this to some extent-as summarized by the popular phrase ‘if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it’. This is often referring to physical fitness or mental ability, but it applies across the board. What you don’t use, you will ultimately lose.

Take another example from nature. Things have a way of encroaching. If you take time to notice, many weeds creep into your lawn, or garden, from around the edges. Let’s say you take a laid back approach when you mow. You hate to do it so you rarely do. When you get around to it there are thick weeds and small saplings around the edges. So, being laid back, you don’t feel like confronting them and you mow around them. Each time you mow, you give up a little more of your yard because they keep encroaching, pushing further and further in.

Freedom is not a natural state. There is always something encroaching. If you aren’t willing to risk a confrontation, you will end up ceding more and more of your liberty. Our founders knew this and they put in place checks and balances. They realized that, being most closely woven into our lives, our government would be our first greatest threat. Outside enemies come in second. The greatest threats to our liberty are going to come from within.

To keep your freedom you must, at the very least, hold onto the territory that you already have. In America we have certain rights, but if we don’t exercise them, we will find them gone. Most of us probably thought it was enough to put our rights up on a shelf–handy and close, if the occasion should arise that we needed to exercise them. Now, if I leave my car parked in the driveway for twenty or thirty years, I’d be foolish to expect it to work properly when the need arises. So it is with our rights.

If you prize your rights, you’d better use them! Even if it just means taking them down off the shelf every few months, and using them to keep in practice. When you don’t exercise your rights, you imply that you may be willing to surrender them.

It’s time to fight back against the encroachment. It’s time to push back! And this time, lets not be content just to preserve our original boundaries. While we’re at it, lets push farther and take some new ground!

Our first & second Amendment rights are the most in peril right now.

“Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

‘Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.’

It’s time to hold a ‘fire drill’! Please:

* Choose a religion and exercise it!
* Speak out boldly!
* Support the press that tells the truth.
* Assemble peacefully.
* Petition the government as often as necessary.
* Buy a weapon for self defense.

Even if these are things you don’t ordinarily do–in fact, ESPECIALLY if these are things you don’t ordinarily do-do them now! Let me give you some good reasons to:

* You care most about what you are invested in. If you choose a religion, speak out, watch the news, assemble peacefully, sign petitions and buy a weapon, you are going to notice when someone attempts to take that right away from you, and you are going to care!
* Our exercise of our rights makes it clear to those who would take them that: we value our rights, we will notice if they attempt to take them away, and we will probably fight to preserve them. Using your rights can be a powerful deterrent to those who would think to take them away.
* If anyone DOES attempt to rob us of those rights, a great cry will go up, that people all around the world will witness. Most evil prefers to operate in secret!

Let’s push back–hard!!

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?



I am surprised that so many people still don’t get it. I hear, daily, how Obama just isn’t getting the message, just isn’t understanding the American people, foreign policy, the economy, etc. I think people that say this are being very gracious to him, and have not yet awakened to what is going on.

Obama gets it! Trust me, he gets it! He was prepared for this when he began his conquest of America. Surely he anticipated the reaction of the people to his radical agenda! He just isn’t listening! He doesn’t want to hear it!

Look at him with an open mind. So many people are projecting their hopes onto him that they aren’t seeing who he really is. Look at his past, the activities he was a part of, and the people he surrounds himself with. Understand that he shares the same beliefs as his inner circle of friends & czars.

These are people who have been waiting a long time for a revolution. Their protests began in the sixties, about how the government and American corporations were in bed together, and that they were damaging the environment and exploiting people. But their protests fell on deaf ears. Some of these people moved on with their life and adapted to things the way they were, others found constructive ways to make a difference. But, the folks that have taken over the White House now are those that could not let it go! I can understand, because I share the same concerns.

For some people, it can become such a matter of conscience and such an obsession, that they will go to whatever lengths are necessary to right the wrongs they see. The sad thing is, through years of bitterness and resentment, devising plans and strategies, they imperceptibly begin to drift into the same moral decay that they so detest!

Tired of failing to get their turn by legitimate means, they wait, and fume, and plot. Finally they have an opportunity, and they seize power and begin to enact their agenda. For the rest of us it’s just the same old song and dance. Change the names, change the faces, but the game is played the same. Once they gain power, it becomes about domination and control, having things their way, and subjecting everyone else to their version of what is in everyone’s best interest, while jealously guarding power for themselves and–not listening.

The radicals on campus have moved into the White House. The people are to be at the mercy of the ‘greedy capitalist pigs’ no longer-instead, they will have their rights revoked and be strangled by the tentacles of an all-encompassing, monumentally intrusive monster of a government that will enslave them to the wishes of the new ruling elite–all in their best interest, of course.

But this time the stakes are so much higher! We are dealing with people who take power that isn’t theirs to wield, who lie, and cheat, and steal (not paying one’s taxes seems to be the secret password for this crowd). And they are not content just to have their four, or eight, years in power and then allow the pendulum to swing back the other way. They want to surrender the sovereignty of our country and merge it into a world government! Do you wonder what they’re building? They’re building the foundation for a world government!

(Continued in Part 2, ‘Amerika’)