Tag Archive: Islam

America is FAR more infiltrated by Islam than most realize.  Why is this important?  Because they seek global domination.  They are actively working to Islamacize America.  This means turning our American way of life upside down, eventually replacing it with a compulsory submission to Sharia Law.   There are many Islamic stealth jihadists working at high levels in our government (including the one in the White House, imo).  The takeover has progressed much farther than most of us have imagined.

We are easily able to recognize bold, violent attempts at dominance.  But most people are dangerously unaware of the slow stealthy forms of subterfuge that are being employed against us.  This series of videos is jam packed with information we NEED to understand, as our nation is being taken over from within.

Resistance to their efforts, by the majority of Americans, would be FAR more effective than waiting for our corrupt government to come to its senses and change its ways.  Resistance follows education.  Please take the time to watch these videos, so that you can understand how to resist this stealth jihad in your own church, workplace, schools, and community.  Understanding what is happening can mean you know when to say ‘no’, instead of allowing this ‘creeping Sharia’ to roll over you and your family, without even realizing what has happened.

(DISCLAIMER:  Neither I, not the videos, are advocating violence.)

If we don’t change our policies and attitudes (from accommodating and appeasing), violence will come to us.  Such attitudes from us only embolden these people to escalate their agenda.  Right now we are in the ‘pre violence phase’ of jihad.  Ironically, if we continue to submit and accommodate (knowingly or not), we will invite the violent phase of jihad against us to begin.


If Christians were living as Christians ought, no one would make the mistake of believing that Christianity is compatible with Catholicism, Islam, or any other religion.

Christian–do you support the idea of a Palestinian state?  A divided Jerusalem?  Are you buying the propaganda about the Palestinian ‘victims’?

God will judge the nations, for the last time, as a result of them taking Jerusalem and doing with it what they will.  Whether we understand it or not, Jerusalem belongs to Jehovah!  And (for some reason) is very precious to Him.

The ‘Palestinian Solution’–are you sure you want a piece of that action?

I would urge you to read this story, but half of you probably wouldn’t bother to follow the link.  Therefore I have cut and pasted it here (probably a no-no).  PLEASE read this.

If you aren’t convinced, or just don’t care, that God doesn’t want Jerusalem (even part of it) taken away from His people, then perhaps the arguments this writer makes can help you to understand why it is a BAD idea–a VERY bad idea!

“On the 11th of March, two Arab Muslim men climbed through the window of a home in the village of Ithamar, and massacred an entire family, killing both parents, stabbing a 4 year old boy twice in the chest, murdering an 11 year old while he sat up reading in bed and slitting the throat of a 3 month old baby girl.

A week later, Israeli and Arab pollsters conducted a survey in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. A third of the Arabs surveyed supported these atrocities.

All the justifications for a Palestinian state fall away in the face of this simple fact. That a third of the residents of any Palestinian state favor the murder of Jewish children. Not to achieve any larger goal, but just because they are Jewish children. To call for a Palestinian state in the face of that fact is to advocate genocide.

The Arab Muslims who approved of the attack gained nothing from their deaths. The dead children were not soldiers. They were not killed as collateral damage. Their deaths had no strategic value. There was no reason to kill them, but for the sake of killing them.

Thursday afternoon, Muslim terrorists carefully timed a school bus route and hit the bus. The bus had been full of students, but luckily most had gotten off before the attack took place. It wasn’t the first time they had deliberately targeted school buses. The most famous of which was the Avivim School Bus massacre all the way back in 1970. That same day a kindergarten was hit by a rocket. Schools have been frequent targets of Muslim terrorists. So have pregnant women. There’s a word for all this. Genocide.

Deliberately targeting children has only one tactical purpose. The extermination of an entire people. Had the Muslim world really wanted a Palestinian state, they could have created one by accepting the UN partition plan, or at any time between 1948 and 1967 when Gaza and the West Bank were in their hands. Had the Israeli Arabs who dub themselves ‘Palestinians’ wanted a state of their own, they could have had one between 1992 and 2011. They don’t want a state. What they want is a state of war.

Genocide cannot be resolved by territorial compromise. People who approve of slitting a baby’s throat and stabbing a 4 year old in the heart are not out for an extra kilometer here or there. The Nazis were not going to be appeased with the Anschluss or the Sudetenland– and Muslims are not going to be pacified with partial control over East Jerusalem. It isn’t East Jerusalem that they want. Or even all of Jerusalem. Or even all of Israel. What they really want is a reason to keep killing.

A man who murders a child might be insane, but millions of people who act and think that way are not insane. They have developed a moral code that says their victims are subhuman, while they are the ‘True People’. That code allows them to act out their worst impulses in the name of an ideal. Whether that ideal is the Third Reich or the Caliphate doesn’t matter at all. The ideal is there to justify the atrocity.

Men make laws to rise above the beast inside them. But sometimes it is the beast who begins making the laws. The Koran is the law of the beast. The law that says you may kill a man who is different than you and take his wife for your own. That he is less than you because he is different than you. The law of the beast does not seek the peace of equals, but the peace of predators and prey. The right of the beast to prey on you because you are not of his kind.

Liberals may plant Coexist stickers on their bumpers decorated with a string of religious symbols beginning with the Islamic star and crescent, that renders it first among equals– but it is all in vain. On his deathbed, Mohammed proclaimed that, “two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula”. You may cry peace, peace– but there will be no peace. For the Prophet of Islam has commanded it. There can be no peace or coexistence. Only servitude, genocide or resistance. If you refuse to serve, then you will be massacred or driven out. That sentence is all you need to know to understand the Islamic war of extermination against Israel.

Palestine is genocide. It is genocide under the cloak of nationalism. Genocide under the facade of retaliation. Genocide dressed up as righteousness. Genocide disguised as the outcry of the oppressed. The Nazis dressed themselves in that same garb. They were the victims fighting back against oppression and they went on being the victims until they drowned half the continent in blood. The law of the beast is cunning, and the name of the book of the beast may change, but its end is always the same. The beast wants power, it wants glory and wealth– but above all things it wants blood.

To create a state inside Israel, a third of whose inhabitants are openly unashamed to say that they support the murder of children is no different than setting up a Nazi state in that same territory. It is not peace. There is nothing peaceful about it. It is every bit as peaceful as Islam, and as the years since the Oslo Peace Accords were signed have been. Though the cry of peace is constant, the call of the Muezzin silences it. Silences it with the peace of the dead. The voices of lost children sealed up in their graves.

Time has passed. The small graves grow. And there is no Palestinian state. Not for lack of trying. Year after year, the peace envoys go out from America and Europe. Time after time, Israeli leaders make their offers, the negotiations stall and the cemeteries fatten with the dead.

Like a flag waved before a bull, Islam waves peace before the world. Behind the flag is the sword. The Muslim watchers in the stands understand the game. They have played it since the time of Mohammed , offering empty truces and false promises. All these are a distraction. A charade. Only the sword is real. And when the bull has been weakened enough by the lances, when it stumbles desperately for peace, that is when the sword thrusts.

Palestine is not even the sword, it is the flag. The distraction so that no one sees that this war is about what Muslims have been doing to non-Muslims since Mohammed began his war of terror against the peoples of the Middle East. “Let the Israelis make their state, and we will make a counter-state. A state whose only purpose is the destruction of their state. A null-state of eternal grievance and unending wrath. A hole in the world for all the good and bad intentions of the world to fall into.” Look at the flag of Palestine. All we want is a state. Try and give us one, and watch the sword tear it through.

To call for a Palestinian state is to call for genocide. There is nothing peaceful about a call for genocide. It is not possible to peacefully implement genocide. Every mention of a Two State Solution is an encouragement to further violence and murder. A reward for the butchers who have been at this business for some 1300 years. Urge the creation of a Palestinian State and you might as well call for the resurrection of the Third Reich. There are linguistic and cultural differences, but both follow the law of the beast. Let there be no more lies about good intentions and no more self-deceit about the search for peace. The road to Palestine does not lead to peace, but to the cemetery.

It is time to stop the lies and tell the truth. The call to peace is the call to death. To promote the creation of a Palestinian state is a violent act. The peacemakers are collaborators in genocide. Their charges are the murderers. Palestine is genocide. It is the cultivated work of an ideology that has successfully turned millions of people into born serial killers or their accomplices. Its two political favorites are Barghouti of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and the Hamas leadership. Their only accomplishment is the death toll, their house of state is the cemetery and their constitution is the ravings of a bigoted murderer. To stand for them is to stand for murder. To stand against them is to stand for life.”

By Sultan Knish

“Palestine is Genocide”  April 12, 2011


Tell me:  who were the real victims here?

A Fourth Beast–Terrifying, Frightening, And Very Powerful

A Vision–It Is Happening Now

When Is The Rapture?

First, a disclaimer: a lot of what I write is hard to hear.  If you are reading this, it is because God has brought you to my site.  If He has brought you here, it is because you are either strong enough to hear what I am saying . . . or hard-headed enough that you have to hear it this way, in order for God to get through to you.  There are other people out there, saying the same things, in gentler ways.  God could have directed you to them instead.  If you are here, you are here for a reason.

I was visiting the website of a friend and found a link to a vision by Michael Boldea Jr. I decided to read it, out of curiosity.  As I read, my spirit was moved– and even more so as I could see that the last part of the vision correlated with a vision that the Lord had given me a few days ago.

Afterwards, I  noticed that, on the side of the page, were links to about 30 or 40 visions.  Not knowing where to begin, I closed my eyes, said a quick prayer, and double clicked the mouse.  The name of the vision was ‘A Revelation‘ (and the first part of it pertained to Romania).   I had never read about this vision before, but what it said at the end was something that I wanted to share with you:

‘ “The sin of the great whore has spread throughout the world.  The stench of her sin has reached me and it will not be long until I will raise the whole Arab world, the Russians and other countries against her, that they may destroy her.” ‘

If you have read many of my posts, you know that this is the same message that God has been giving me to explain and reveal, as the events are playing out before us.  But this vision was twenty years ago!

Let me give you my interpretation:

‘the great whore’ (aka ‘the Whore of Babylon’ from the Bible book of Revelation) = the United States under the leadership of the ‘elite’ (the corrupt people who run the multinational corporations and lead our government–most of them being from wealthy and politically connected families [Rockefeller, Bush, etc.]–with links to Illuminati, Bohemian Grove rituals, Freemasons, etc.)

the whole Arab world = the Islamic coalition that is rising up out of the (soon to be) ashes of the current Middle East.  This coalition is primarily led by ‘radical Muslims’ of the Shia faction.  The names of their organizations include Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood.  What most people don’t realize is that many Muslim Brotherhood operatives are already present in America (CAIR and their allies).  Their goal is global jihad, and to bring America under Sharia Law.

Islam is not a religion!  It is a political-religious form of government.  In Islam there is NO ‘separation of church and state’.  Many people do not realize that when we remove the ten commandments as the cornerstone of our society, our laws will  no longer have a foundation.  (There has to be some basis for determining what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’.)  This creates a vacuum that Sharia law will be quick to fill.

When we warn about Sharia law taking root in America, you have to understand that it is not as simple as it sounds.  It is a package deal.  Sharia in America means our (new) laws will not be based on God’s ten commandments, but on the teachings of Muhammad (which came straight from the devil himself). Look at law enforcement in Islamic nations if you want to see how this plays out . . . flogging, stoning, amputation, beheading, etc.

You might also want to do a bit of research as to what sort of activities are illegal under Sharia law . . . (which brings us to a seemingly universal law–if  you won’t exercise self control, you will find yourself  being controlled . . . let our lax and ‘tolerant’ society consider the implications . . . ).  Remember, under the Taliban administration music was not even allowed.  If America will not submit itself to the kind, just, merciful and loving leadership of God then we will find ourselves slaves to a very harsh master indeed!

For those of you who may be homosexual, and pride yourself on helping to dismantle the laws on which American society was founded–the ‘joke’ is on you.  For those radical feminists who have done much to undermine American culture–the ‘joke’ is on you too.

Radical feminists, homosexuals, and every other type of anarchist: you are unknowingly paving the way for Sharia law.  First  you do your part to destroy the basis of our current laws and Constitution, then the Islamists will follow behind you and insert their law into the void.  But don’t think you will have a place in the new Islamunist Amerika . . . look a little closer at Sharia law and you will find that homosexuals quickly receive the death penalty, and women . . . who out of men’s necessity are suffered to live . . . are stripped of their rights and covered from head to toe in black!  Don’t think it can happen here?

What is happening right now in the Middle East will be jumping across that vast ocean soon, and will be happening in our backyard!  In Oklahoma City, and in Michigan, skirmishes are already taking place.  Our enemies are here, and their fingers are on the trigger.  Watch what happens, as our economy continues to falter, then crumbles.

What does Russia have to do with it?  Understand that already Syria is a Russian proxy.  Russia has never ceased to be an enemy of the United States.  It benefits them that we think we are fighting someone else, while all the while they are the ones providing them material support.  Russia–Syria–Iran.  This is a tightly woven coalition of enemies.  But don’t forget that China is definitely part of the mix.

Doubt this vision?  Read Ezekiel 38 and keep in mind that ‘Israel’ refers to the ten tribes that, thousands of years ago, became a separate kingdom from ‘Judah’.  (The nation that, today, calls itself ‘Israel’ should technically be called ‘Judah’, because this is what God calls them.)  The descendants of the ten tribes that formed the Nation of Israel dispersed and migrated around the globe.  The easiest way to identify them today is to say ‘the Western Nations’.  Remember that even Ahmadinejad calls America ‘the great Satan’ and calls the country which calls itself Israel ‘the little Satan’.

With that in mind read Ezekiel 38.  This great war that is described in Ezekiel 38 will be brought by the Muslims to the Western nations.  This horrible war will be fought on our own soil.  Notice who the nations are that come against us–the Islamic confederation that is forming, and Russia.

A quick note: Not everyone from the Middle East is Arab–nor are the Arabs the primary aggressors against America.  Right now, in broad terms, the primary types of Muslim Middle Easterners are the Arabs (mostly Sunni Muslims) in the southern part of the Middle East and the Persians (Iranians and Shia Muslims).   But that is changing.  Shia Muslims have basically ‘declared war’ on Sunni Muslims, who they feel are not far from being infidels because of their more moderate views.

What we are witnessing in the news today, in the Middle East, is the overthrow of secular and Sunni Muslim leaders (who have historically been more moderate and more likely to be allies of the Western Nations) and their replacement with radical Shiite rulers (such as the Muslim brotherhood) that are tightly linked with Iran’s radical leader, Ahmadinejad.  I believe the newly Shia led nations will become part of a revived Persian Empire.

This Persian Empire, as it rises, is going to be very bold and very violent.  Like a snowball rolling downhill, the victories it is achieving  now, in overtaking governments throughout the Muslim world, are going to give it the size and momentum to come crashing into the Western nations very soon.

Let’s hope I’m wrong about Obama holding the door wide open for it as it approaches.

Christians, take heart . . . there is more to the vision:

‘ “Tell my people to be prepared and be careful,” says the Lord, “for everything I have decided will happen*.  Do not say in your hearts that the Lord has said many things that have not happened yet because all things are decided by Me and everything has it’s appointed time.  Draw closer to the Lord your God and cease doing evil things that I may give you victory.  I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot even imagine, but be holy.” ‘

* ‘ “I will raise the whole Arab world, the Russians and other countries against [the USA], that they may destroy her.” ‘

Update 4/6/11:

More unfortunate evidence that Obama IS ‘holding the door open’:

America Allied to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah in Libya?

Update 4/13/11:

Someone else is starting to see it . . .

Saudi Arabia’s Growing Wrath At Barack Obama


More Posts:

American Empire–Sowing The Seeds Of Hatred

Imam . . . Obama?

Is God Judging America?

Something Ominous On The Horizon

After the 2008 election, some people were calling Obama The Antichrist.  I wasn’t among them.  Instead, I felt he might be a foreshadowing of ‘the one’.  But, as I continued to read prophetic passages in the Bible, I was seeing a different interpretation of them than other people were. It looked to me like Obama was fulfilling a lot of prophecies, depending on how you interpreted them.

As things kept ‘adding up’, I eventually had to ask myself:  Does this mean that I believe Obama is The Antichrist?  While I was still reluctant to make such a wild assertion, I had to admit that is where the ‘facts’ were taking me.  If I was correct in my interpretation of prophecies, then I could not deny that this was indeed a possibility.

If you are familiar with ‘The Scientific Method’ of approaching a ‘puzzle’, you know that you:

  • gather as many facts as you can
  • analyze the facts in every way possible
  • determine the explanation (unifying hypothesis) that best fits all the facts
  • test the hypothesis by making predictions that would be expected to occur if the hypothesis is true

(If enough of these predictions are fulfilled, the hypothesis is promoted to the level of ‘theory’)

Predictions /expectations flowed naturally from additional prophecies, and what had now come to be my unifying hypothesis.  I have freely shared some of those predictions as opinions in my blog posts.  Some of my other expectations (again: if this hypothesis is correct) are:

  • He will continue to assist (openly, or via proxies) in the overthrow of Sunni Muslim or secular governments, in favor of radical Shiite rulers  (such as Muslim Brotherhood).
  • He will continue to create conditions favorable to the implementation of Sharia law, around the globe and in America.
  • He will destroy the power of the wealthy American elites.
  • He will destroy the power of America.
  • He will continue to make policy decisions that are contrary to the American ‘status quo’–in other words, his policies will be detrimental to those who are wealthy, Jewish and/or white.
  • His policies will favor communists, socialists, and radical Muslims.
  • He will continue to redefine our international relationships–pushing away our historical allies, relaxing sanctions against other nations, and defining new enemies.
  • He will oppose Christians, Jews, and Judeo-Christian values.
  • He will be surprisingly tolerant of radical Muslims.
  • He will destroy our present military.
  • He will build a military that is loyal to him.
  • He will continue to violate our Constitution, ruling as a king, rather than as a president.
  • He will build alliances throughout the world that will give him power beyond that of president of the U.S.
  • He will betray the Jewish people, out of hatred, and to curry favor with others who hate them.
  • He will increase surveillance in America.
  • He will increasingly restrict our freedoms.
  • He will continue to lie.
  • He will set an example of contempt for Christians and Jews.
  • The fruit of his leadership will be theft, death, and destruction.

These have been my expectations for months.  With this working hypothesis in mind, all of Obama’s actions have been perfectly reasonable, logical, and predictable.  Meanwhile, most people are still ‘scratching their heads’ over his latest actions.  Without a reasonable hypothesis regarding his motives, they are constantly puzzling over his decisions, and ‘chalking them up’ to his inexperience.

If I’m wrong, I’m willing to say so.  But, if you are someone who is still puzzled over Obama’s actions–consider this hypothesis, even though it sounds far-fetched.

Understanding Obama
Obama’s Army
Imam . . . Obama?

Update 4/6/11:

More unfortunate evidence that Obama IS assisting the Shiite Muslims:

America Allied to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah in Libya?

Obama Reinvents The Biblical Passover Story

Wow, I just stumbled onto this Islamic ‘prophecy’ about their coming messiah.  I had never heard this before.  It is eerie how closely it parallels my deeply held beliefs about what Obama’s agenda is.

(The ‘Imam Mahdi’ is also referred to as the  ‘The Mahdi’ or the  ’12th Imam’–the one who Ahmadinejad is supposedly in contact with.)

The role and attributes of Imam Mahdi

The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably amongst the needy deserving . . .” – Islam. Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187″

I don’t endorse the site, and have not checked out more than this one page, but there is some interesting info on the page.



Or, perhaps you had heard about this Islamic ‘prophecy’ (although no one can confirm it existed before Obama came on the stage):

“According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a “tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.” Commanding “the strongest army on earth,” the new ruler in the West will carry “a clear sign” from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: “Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.

I find the way that Obama fulfills the ‘clear sign’ to be very interesting.  Even if this (Islamic) ‘prophecy’  were unknown to Iranians, I think the following  ‘signs’ themselves would certainly catch their attention:

  • Obama’s first and second names–Barack Hussein–mean “the blessing of Hussein” in Arabic and Persian
  • His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means “he is with us”

If the Shiite Muslims believe that their Mahdi is waiting in the wings, it could very well explain Iran’s new boldness in reviving the Persian empire.  Obama in the White House (especially given the fact that he is a Muslim, and is supportive of the Iranian Government) not only emboldens Iran’s leaders, it may virtually guarantee their success.


The American Paradigm Is About To Be Shattered!

The Drunken Whore (Part 1)

It might seem that  The Nation of Islam, the American elite, and a bunch of New Age religious adherents would have practically nothing in common.  It probably wouldn’t even occur to most people that there IS any connection between them.  However, many of us, who believe we are living in the days just before ‘The Tribulation’, realize that these are very likely to be ‘the players’ during that time.

If that is the case–if they are the people who bring about the unified religion and government that rule over the whole world–then how does it happen, in practical terms?  Sure, that final government and religion will be Satan-inspired and Satan-directed.  Yes, it will worship Satan, by worshiping The Antichrist, but . . . in the ‘real world’ what could possibly unite two groups with such different religious viewpoints:  The Nation of Islam and New Age followers?

It is said that there will be a future ‘messiah’ (false prophet) who will appear in the sky and speak to everyone in their own language.  That person will establish himself as the messiah, and will then teach the various religions new ways.  Eventually he will teach them to worship him, unite together . . . and kill Christians and Jews.

But, it seems to me that–to appeal to everyone, when he first arrives–there must be some commonality of belief, for him to be embraced by people whose beliefs seem so fundamentally different from each others.  So, perhaps what I recently stumbled across will provide the ‘missing link’.

Apparently ‘The Nation of Islam’ (the group that I believe Obama supports, and secretly meets with), the group who wants to see America become an Islamic nation . . . believes in UFOs.  More than that, it is one of their ‘core beliefs’!  Leader Louis Farrakhan claims he had a vision of being invited aboard a UFO, over Mexico in 1985.  There, for over four hours, a previous leader of his organization (Elijah Muhammad) taught him about things that were to come.

Last weekend, a panel of scientists  were to speak to his organization concerning UFOs.   Another topic was to be natural disasters and their religious meaning.  It sounded probable that there would also be discussion of end-time prophecies–Islamic (and Biblical? from an Islamic perspective, of course).  Finally, Farrakhan was to give the keynote address, and I’m fairly confident it would include his vision and ‘personal experience’ with UFOs.

It seems, as many have suspected, that Satan is cleverly framing his appearance on Earth as that of an ‘extraterrestrial’.  Although he can ‘disguise himself as an angel of light’, I suspect that his actual appearance is fairly hideous now–distorted by millenia of sin and rebellion.

How much work, for decades, Hollywood has put into portraying ‘aliens’ as smart, engaging little guys who just want to be our friends!  What a propaganda campaign it has been to get us to put aside our revulsion when we see and/or are in the presence of these demonic beings (‘aliens’)!  Yet, it seems that the public always eagerly buys what Hollywood sells.  We now have a generation of children raised to love ogres, dragons, and vampires.  Should we really be surprised when they flock to The Antichrist?!  They are completely prepped (and eager) for the invasion of Earth by the hordes of hell!

Degrees of association?

  • New Age — ‘UFOs’ — Nation of Islam  — other Muslims
  • so-called ‘Christians’ — ‘UFOs’ –New Age followers
  • Muslim (Obama) — Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan) — ‘UFOs’

Perhaps ‘Disclosure’ will come soon.  It certainly appears that the world is now ready to rally together behind the little, green men . . .



We Have Been Bewitched

Christians, Vampires And Dragons

Angels, Demons & Raising the Dead

Extraterrestrials-Could They Be Human?

What Does The Devil Look Like?

Will You Know Him When He Comes?

I recently received a comment on one of my posts.  These days, I’m both cautious and suspicious of much.  (I am especially suspicious of people promoting themselves or their products!)  However, to be fair, I decided to read through the comment and I prayed for discernment, as to whether or  not to approve it.  I did decide to approve it, and have copied and pasted it to the end of this post as well.

After reading through the comment, and checking out some of the content on Jeff’s site, I felt it would be worth buying a PDF copy of his book.  (I am a real spendthrift, so that says a lot!   Thankfully, since I am such a ‘cheapskate’, it was only $5.00!)

I have to admit, I am not schooled in linguistics, nor do I have the vocabulary or experience that pertains to such things.  I am, so far, finding the book hard to follow–on a purely logical level.  In other words, a lot of the time it is ‘as clear as mud’ to me.

However, some manner of understanding is bypassing all that difficulty, and I think I am ‘getting’ what he is trying to say!  It is as if that ‘mud’ has somehow opened my eyes to an even deeper way of seeing things.

Furthermore, along those same lines, I feel like God is really revealing some specific, prophetic things to me.  Just as I have not been able to figure out how to rephrase what Jeff is trying to convey in his book, I am not able to break down how I am coming to understand the things (in prophetic passages in the Bible) that I am now understanding (as a result of the book).

My goodness, I hope my writing is not going to continue to be as hard to interpret as what I’ve said so far today . . . !

At any rate, I am publishing this [comment] as a background to how I came to the understanding of some things that I believe I will be sharing soon.  (I don’t yet know whether I will simply share what I am coming to see, or if I will be able to actually explain the process that led me to the conclusions that I will make.)  Let this post serve to ‘give credit where credit is due’–at least as far as human influence is concerned:

Thank you Jeff, for visiting my site, and for sharing what the Lord has revealed to you.

I also wanted to say, to my few faithful readers, that I have not disappeared!  I have times where much is burning in my heart to share with you–and at other times, when I am silent, there is much that I am reading, listening to, and praying about.  As long as God wills, I will always be back!

Here is Jeff’s comment:

“A islamic/Arab religion mixing with Democracy was predicted 2600 years ago in the Bible.

In 2 Thessalonians it says that “the man of lawlessness will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God and worshiped”.

In other words, he will declare himself God, but what god? And of what religion?

In Daniel 2 we have the prophecy of king Nebuchadnezzer’s vision called the “Great image”. This image consisted of five future kingdoms that would rule over Israel, beginning with Nebuchadnezzer’s Babylon.

The fifth and last kingdom, would be a kingdom that would rule in the last days, the Bible says that this kingdom would be one of both mire and metal or “iron mixed with clay”, the key word being mixed.

I believe it’s not a coincidence that this verb mixed occurs only three times throughout the bible and all three occurrence are found in Daniel 2: 40-43.

So by knowing the Aramaic and Hebrew meaning of this verb, we can understanding what form of governments the iron and clay depict, and we can know the identity of this last days religion.

What is the translation of this verb mixed? It is the word “Arab.”

Now here’s the kicker! We know that any religion outside of Christianity is a religion built by Lucifer in the spirit of antichrist. Right?

Now in Isaiah 14: 13-14 (a prophecy about Lucifer’s fall) it says:

‘You (Lucifer) said in your heart’ “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God… I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

The Hebrew word for “ascend”, as in “I will ascend to heaven… I will make myself like the Most High”. Is the word Allah.

Go to my website http://www.prophecycodebook.com and learn more.”


Update 3/24/11:

After reading the entire Prophecy Code II book,  I have to say that I am not convinced of the author’s assertions.   I think there may be legitimacy to the idea that certain words are key words that can help us to decode prophecy.  But the numeric claims–I’m not so sure.  Many times his logic escaped me.

I also disagree with his claims that the ‘Eucharist’  (communion bread and wine) actually become the flesh and blood of Jesus when we consume them–and that they infer some sort of physical sustenance and protection to us.  That is a Catholic doctrine.  Catholicism is a blend of early Christianity and pagan worship.  (There are many places to find more info on that subject, it is not a subject I feel comfortable trying to teach.)

Ultimately, we are all best served by really getting to know what is in the Bible and taking it at face value.  For those who are well versed in Scripture, feel they have time, and desire to ‘decode’ prophecy–this book may offer another potential tool.  But for new believers, or those not well versed in Scripture–I think it could be potentially dangerous, and at the very least can take away time that would be better spent learning the Bible.

Time is short!  True Bible understanding is in short supply!  This is remarkable, considering that the Bible is readily available and the United States has a high literacy rate!  I cannot stress it enough–read your Bible!!  Don’t leave it to someone else to interpret it for you!  If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit will teach you as you read the Bible!  You are in much more danger of being deceived if you take other people’s interpretations of it, than if you read the Bible yourself and pray!

Many people sacrificed or died to make sure that God’s Word was made available to the common man.  The Dark Ages were ‘dark’ because the Catholic Church taught that only priests could understand God’s word.  The people did not have Bibles!  Today Bibles are everywhere, yet virtually no one reads them–how ironic!!


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