Archive for January, 2011

This, without a doubt, is going to be the most outlandish post I’ve ever written.  I don’t say that with pride–I don’t like to be strange any more than anyone else does.  I say it so that you will know that I know this is really hard to believe.  I have no proof.  You’ll have to pray about these things yourself, believing that God will show you if they are true, or not.

I am presenting my ideas and opinions, based on what I know, and what I have heard.  These things are not spelled out in the Bible, but are interpretations of latter days prophecies.  Again, you need to pray about these ideas yourself, and ask God to show you if they are true.

Satan tries to entrap men in a web of lies.  This web has many strands that all come together eventually, when The Antichrist steps onto the stage.  One of these strands is the New Age religious movement.  I haven’t said much about it so far.  This post is going to be an addition to, or response to, several interviews that I listened to.  The speaker is Augusto Perez.  In order for you to understand what I am going to say, I highly recommend that you first listen to the interviews.  If you can’t listen to all three, then please at least listen to the third interview.

A lot of what Augusto says may seem very strange to you, if you haven’t heard any of it before.  As a Christian, it was hard for me to consider too–but then I had to look at it from a different perspective.  I had to call on my past experience with the occult, and the things I was taught and believed at that time.  From that perspective, I knew that the things he was saying ARE representative of the very outlandish things that people (who are involved in the occult aka ‘New Age’ ) believe.

Augusto explains that he believes The Mark of The Beast will be more than just a microchip or a mark on the forehead or hand.  He believes that–for God to say that there is no forgiveness for those who take The Mark–there must be something very different about The Mark itself.  We know that God forgives and redeems even those who have sworn to serve Satan, if they repent–therefore, it must be about the nature of The Mark itself.  (Again, this is his opinion–you can listen to him present his case and dispute it with him if you disagree.)

Augusto believes that The Mark is part of the Luciferian ritual that the New World Order/New Age religion is going to demand of all who wish to live and enter into the Age of Aquarius.  Those who refuse the initiation will be killed.  He believes that this Mark actually, somehow, changes your DNA.  He talked about a 24th chromosome.  (If you look into the New Age religion, you will be able to find info about the Luciferian ritual, transition into the Age of Aquarius, and changes to our DNA.)  He also talks about who he believes will be The False Prophet, and how it may even be possible that he is the product of some kind of cloning or hybridization using blood from the Shroud of Turin.

Now, this is where my opinions come in, in response to what Augusto says.

In the last week or two, I read someone’s account of finding the Ark of the Covenant.  On the Mercy Seat, of the Ark, was the blood of Jesus Christ that was spilled during His crucifixion.  I am not going to elaborate on that.  I don’t know if the claims are true.  HOWEVER, what did stand out to me was that they said they had some of the blood tested.  The blood was still alive and the cells began to replicate when they gave them the proper conditions in the laboratory and . . . when they tested the blood, it had 24 chromosomes.  Twenty three were from his mother, Mary, and one was a Y chromosome–the seed of God Himself.

All of that is extremely remarkable–if it is true.  But, what has me excited is that these two different, unconnected sources of information–that seem to be about two completely different things–may actually fit together!

If the New Age plan to change the DNA of those who are ascending to the next Age (Aquarius) is about adding a chromosome, with the promise of health, wisdom, vitality, etc. . . . could it be that the 24th chromosome is the 24th chromosome of Jesus Christ . . . taken from the shroud of Turin and replicated?

If this DNA change IS part of the Luciferian ritual and IS part of The Mark of The Beast, could this theft of God’s DNA be the reason that there will be no forgiveness for those who take The Mark of The Beast?

If The False Prophet is empowered by the (stolen) blood of Jesus Christ, this could explain his ability to do miracles and to breathe life into The Image of The Beast.  This could explain why there is no forgiveness for anyone who worships The Image of The Beast (which receives its life from Satan, via the miracle working power of the blood of Jesus Christ).

If this is true, there remains much more to learn about the blood of Christ!

This would also explain why Christians have to be killed.  If Christians were to reveal, and be able to prove, the origin of the 24th chromosome, it would point people once again to Jesus Christ.  And that is definitely NOT part of the enemy’s plan!

UPDATE 12/18/12:

I now strongly doubt that the shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Christ.  I think we may have been set up for the arrival of a fallen angel posing as an ‘ascended master’ called Sananda Emmanuel.  Pictures representing this ‘ascended master’ look very much like the face on the Shroud of Turin, which ALSO looks very much like the typical ‘Jesus’ portraits that have been representing our Lord for the last several hundred years.  (In fact, the model who posed for the famous portrait was the homosexual lover of the artist.  The model was Cesare Borgia the illegitimate son to Pope Alexander the VI)!

If this ‘ascended master’ turns out to be the ‘False Prophet’ of Revelation 13, think of how many people have already been set up to accept him, with open arms. For some, all it will take is that he speaks well, makes them feel good, and looks like the pictures of Jesus they’ve always seen.

Check out the three photos below:

Sananda Emmanuel

‘Ascended Master’ Sananada Emmanuel

False Jesus

A False Jesus, Cesare Borgia the illegitimate son to Pope Alexander the VI

Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin

Sounds Like Democracy

I’ve added a new link to my site.

Here’s a good idea:

Virginia representative Eric Cantor has created a website.  Each week, on this website, several programs are presented as candidates.  If you think funds should be cut for the program, you vote (online or by text).  Each week, the program with the most votes will be presented to the House of Representatives for an up or down vote on cutting its funds.

It seems to me, that with all of our technology, it would be possible to really have a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people–if that really is what we want.

Update on:

‘Evil Murals? (Denver International Airport)’

Well, more info regarding the fact that ‘New Age Religion’ is what is practiced by the elites (and expressed in the artwork at the Denver International Airport).  And, as it turns out, New Age beliefs (when held by powerful people) can be very dangerous for the rest of us.  Here is a link to a broadcast on another siteStarting at 44:00 the speaker tells what New Age beliefs the elite subscribe to, and how that is relevant to us.

1/26/11 Update  on:

‘And Great Flocks Of Birds Fell From The Sky’

I have heard that some people heard ‘sonic booms’ or a sound like thunder around the same time as the birds died, that night in Beebe, Arkansas.  (Beebe is not far from Guy, Arkansas where numerous small earthquakes have been felt recently).

A number of people in Indiana reported hearing the same thing,  near Indianapolis the day before the birds in Beebe died. The shaking only lasted about 10 seconds.  They were told it was a 3.8 magnitude earthquake (3 miles deep), but some still question why it sounded and felt like an explosion, rather than like a typical earthquake.

Apparently, one guy in Indiana (and his mother in law) heard 3 loud booms at the same time that his friend, Anton, in NC heard the same thing.  I believe this took place on 1/1/11.  He is still trying to find out whether anyone else between Indiana and North Carolina heard the same thing at that time.

So, here is another thought–again, having to do with fault lines and methane releases:  perhaps methane is making its way through the New Madrid fault line and causing underground explosions . . .

Here is a brief description of what a natural gas explosion felt like (see comment #9).

Related to the New Madrid faultline–here is a link to a broadcast yesterday, that talks about the preparations that FEMA is making, for a major disaster related to a quake on the New Madrid fault line within the next three years (you can skip to a little past the half way point).

Whether or not there are underground explosions happening–it may be news to many people that there IS a type of earthquake that is expressed as a loud boom or thundering.   Something is definitely happening along the New Madrid fault line already.

Christian–VERY difficult times are approaching.  The prudent man sees what is coming and plans ahead.  In the face of things that are coming, your money will not save you–but your faithfulness to God will.

I have a suggestion, for those of you who have land.  Please take the idea to God in prayer.

Many people are in dire straits now, and others will be soon.  If you have land, please consider partitioning your land and renting it to people that you know, who are in need, whom you can trust.  You may not realize what a blessing you could be, to a family in need, if you would allow them to park an RV or build a little cabin and have a place to put in a garden and live a simple life.

Let me suggest some advantages to you, by doing this:

  • You will store up some treasure in heaven.
  • You will increase your own income somewhat, or you could  receive eggs, fresh garden produce or labor (such as for cutting firewood, building, or doing home repairs) in lieu of rent.
  • You will increase your own safety, if you choose the families wisely, because they will also do their part to protect your land, and to pray for God’s safety and blessing for all of you.

You probably have reservations–serious reservations against doing such a thing.  I can appreciate that.  Yes, there are considerations such as legality, zoning laws, and liability. But we are facing unprecedented disasters in the days ahead.  I urge you to put your trust in God and know that He will bless those who obey Him.  I really believe, that as things begin to play out, such considerations will fall by the wayside.

Please seek God, and His will, now.  We all have something to contribute, and He has a plan for each of us.  He will lead some of us to store up provisions and create a place to stay, where He can lead others for a season.  Some of us can share comfort and encouragement. Others have medical or construction skills which can be put to practical use. Lets start seeking God’s will now, so that He can have us in place when that day comes

Let us return to the spirit of the early church, where each was willing to share what they had and receive what they needed.  Let us prepare our hearts to work together, as the body of Christ should.  Let us truly seek first the kingdom of God, the welfare of other believers, and the will of God.


Now is the time for courageous men to stand firm.  Your country is intentionally being destroyed from within.  The military is being co-opted to assist in the process.  Your Commander-In-Chief is a man who not only does not defend The Constitution, but seeks to nullify it.

Undeniably, those of you in the military are in a difficult and confusing position.  It is important to reaffirm your priorities:

  1. God
  2. Country

Historically, there was no conflict between doing what you were commanded, and maintaining those priorities.  Today however, everything has been turned upside down.

Contrary to what  you are hearing, homosexuality is NOT an alternative lifestyle that is acceptable to God.

Since World War II, the wealthy, influential American ‘elite’ have co-opted the military and used it to further their personal economic agendas.  Our servicemen have been used as pawns in their game of global domination.  (I believe that this has been a factor in some of the recent suicides among military personnel.)

Now, our government has been given into the hands of a new ‘elite’–a group of very radical anti-American individuals who have been at work since the 1960s, with the backing of a few wealthy men.  Their aim is to overthrow America.

I believe they intend to destroy the existing military–both by exhausting them, leaving them in indefensible positions, and now: causing them to abandon their posts.  Simultaneously, they are sending signals to America’s enemies, that America is ripe for plundering.

It is essential to see the bigger picture.  We are all involved in a much greater war–a war between good and evil, between God and Satan.  We are in the final days of this battle, as Satan now has the means to consolidate his power over mankind.

It is imperative that each of us seek God as to what He would have us to do.  I will offer  no advice in this respect.  Each man has a different path to walk.

I imagine that some will be called to stay in the military and fight, first for righteousness, secondly for our Constitution and the protection of the American people. With the current political climate, I firmly believe that each of you that stay are going to be called on to make a stand in defense of righteousness.  That stand may very well endanger your political career and pension.

I also believe that others will be called to leave the military.  God’s judgment is upon America.  Defending a nation of unrepentant sinners with a grossly immoral national lifestyle is an indefensible position.  God may very well call some of you out, so that you do not ‘partake of the sins of,’ or suffer the judgment that is poured out on, the ungodly.  It will be vital that you seek God as to how he would lead  you to live, as you see our Constitutional freedoms being taken away.

Our president is making war upon the military.  Simultaneously, I believe that he is putting together his own army–one made up of men that will not serve God, nor uphold the Constitution, but rather, will be intensely loyal to him and do his bidding.  We have seen this happen before.  Those who ignore history do so at their own peril.

Gay Man With Rainbow Umbrella

Uncle Sam Wants You . . . ?

Please, seek God’s direction for your life TODAY!

Officer won’t sign order for troop indoctrination
Asks to be relieved of command over repeal of ‘gay’ ban in military

“After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.”  Daniel 7:7

“Then I wanted to know the true meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws—the beast that crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left.”  Daniel 7:19

“He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.  The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom.”   Daniel 7:23-24

So, who is the fourth beast? (Also see:  ‘Iron and Clay’) My strong opinion is that it is a coalition of Muslim Socialist nations, headed by the new Amerika (a Socialist, Islamic re-incarnation of America).  Prominent in this coalition will be a Muslim Britain, a Muslim Russia, and a Muslim India.  (See my previous posts about the first, second and third beasts.)

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.  The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.”  Revelation 13:1-2

I believe that the seven heads of the beast represent America’s [pre-Obama] ruling elite.  Obama came to the presidency via the same channels, hence he is ‘of the seven’.  However, he and his high level backers are represented by the beast that rises up underneath the harlot and overthrows her.  It is quite possible that the ‘Council of [ten] Governors’ represents the ten horns that will be given authority to rule ‘for one hour’.

Back to the subject of the fourth beast . . . what we have lived through in the last two years has been a little glimpse of what it will be like. Think about the heavy handed way in which Obama has run this country since his election.  Remember the WAY in which things have been done–how things have been shoved down our throats.  Think about the total disrespect of our will . . . the absolute disregard of our rights and freedoms . . . the dehumanizing ways in which we are beginning to be treated . . .

If I am right about this, we are living through the birth of  The Fourth Beast.

New York, New York:  Your Judgment Looms

American Empire

Understanding America’s role in Bible prophecy is crucial to understanding what is coming in the days ahead.  Steven M. Collins has done a tremendous amount of research and has a wealth of information on the subject.  Here are links to three recent interviews he gave:

Steven Collins Interview #1  (12-29-10)

Steven Collins Interview #2  (1-6-11)

Steven Collins Interview #3  (1-20-11)