(Continued from Part 1, ‘Oh Yes He Does Get It’)

You know what, this world is not my home. I’m just a traveler and this is a brief stop on my way home. A rest stop on the way to eternity. If everybody really wants a one world government, and I can see some justifications for it, then let them have it! But they should be careful what they wish for! What we first submit to willingly, becomes a yoke of iron upon our necks!

There WILL BE one world government. I don’t want to see it happen, because I’ve read the end of the book–I KNOW how that turns out! But, if that’s what the people are ready for, so be it. This has been a free country. If the last free choice made BY THE PEOPLE is to surrender that freedom, then fine.

But I am MAD AS HELL, that it is being foisted upon us! This is not what the majority of Americans want! And may I be so bold as to say, if that is what you want, then leave! We wish to remain the land of the free and the home of the brave! I still have the right to speak, the right to vote, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How dare you try to take that from me!

Most of the rest of the world loves your ideas–so go somewhere else and join them! Leave those of us who prize our freedom to live in our own little country and mind our own business! (That’s really what we should have been doing all along! Instead, we seem to have initiated this whole global domination thing, but in a benign way, of course . . . ?)

As I said, there WILL BE one world government, but NOT IN MY BACKYARD! If that is what you want, do it somewhere else! You are not going to have my help to begin it here in America!!

People, please wake up and exercise your rights while you still have them. Obama is not the antichrist, but he foreshadows him. The antichrist will be like Obama but bigger, faster, more charming, more cunning, more deceptive, more popular, more powerful, more audacious. And he WILL be the leader of this world government that is coming.

If you can’t see beyond Obama’s facade, how are you ever going to recognize the antichrist when he comes? If you are a little uncomfortable with the changes now, but not enough to act–how comfortable do you think you will be when the antichrist takes the reigns? Unless God intervenes, with the path that we are now on, the antichrist will be our next leader!!

(Continued in Part 3, ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum ‘)