I am surprised that so many people still don’t get it. I hear, daily, how Obama just isn’t getting the message, just isn’t understanding the American people, foreign policy, the economy, etc. I think people that say this are being very gracious to him, and have not yet awakened to what is going on.

Obama gets it! Trust me, he gets it! He was prepared for this when he began his conquest of America. Surely he anticipated the reaction of the people to his radical agenda! He just isn’t listening! He doesn’t want to hear it!

Look at him with an open mind. So many people are projecting their hopes onto him that they aren’t seeing who he really is. Look at his past, the activities he was a part of, and the people he surrounds himself with. Understand that he shares the same beliefs as his inner circle of friends & czars.

These are people who have been waiting a long time for a revolution. Their protests began in the sixties, about how the government and American corporations were in bed together, and that they were damaging the environment and exploiting people. But their protests fell on deaf ears. Some of these people moved on with their life and adapted to things the way they were, others found constructive ways to make a difference. But, the folks that have taken over the White House now are those that could not let it go! I can understand, because I share the same concerns.

For some people, it can become such a matter of conscience and such an obsession, that they will go to whatever lengths are necessary to right the wrongs they see. The sad thing is, through years of bitterness and resentment, devising plans and strategies, they imperceptibly begin to drift into the same moral decay that they so detest!

Tired of failing to get their turn by legitimate means, they wait, and fume, and plot. Finally they have an opportunity, and they seize power and begin to enact their agenda. For the rest of us it’s just the same old song and dance. Change the names, change the faces, but the game is played the same. Once they gain power, it becomes about domination and control, having things their way, and subjecting everyone else to their version of what is in everyone’s best interest, while jealously guarding power for themselves and–not listening.

The radicals on campus have moved into the White House. The people are to be at the mercy of the ‘greedy capitalist pigs’ no longer-instead, they will have their rights revoked and be strangled by the tentacles of an all-encompassing, monumentally intrusive monster of a government that will enslave them to the wishes of the new ruling elite–all in their best interest, of course.

But this time the stakes are so much higher! We are dealing with people who take power that isn’t theirs to wield, who lie, and cheat, and steal (not paying one’s taxes seems to be the secret password for this crowd). And they are not content just to have their four, or eight, years in power and then allow the pendulum to swing back the other way. They want to surrender the sovereignty of our country and merge it into a world government! Do you wonder what they’re building? They’re building the foundation for a world government!

(Continued in Part 2, ‘Amerika’)