There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t have to see his face or hear his voice on the TV.

I heard it said that, in his speeches, he refers to himself every 13 seconds. Could that be true? He certainly does love the limelight, and he does seem to think a lot of himself. He is strikingly arrogant, narcissistic even.

He manages to insert himself into the pettiest of situations, and seems to want to give everyone the impression that he is the mediator-, arbiter-, judge-, translator-, reconciler-, entertainer-, educator-, author-, and policy-maker-, in-chief.

He seems to have great faith in his powers of persuasion. It’s as though he’s thinking, ‘Gee, if I could just talk to them, I could make them understand . . . ‘

It crossed the line from being merely annoying, to being downright obnoxious months ago.

(We are all aware of your positions. When you continue to push, some people will cave but others will start to push back. You are not as convincing as you think, and some of us don’t find you charming at all! Not that you are listening . . . especially not to me.)

All this promotion, and self promotion, had me wondering a long time ago–how long before they roll out the giant statue?

Now little children are extolling his virtues and worshiping him with songs of praise. Surely their teachers weren’t commissioned in this task . . . They are probably just acting out of their own adoration for him (how wonderful he is!).

It’s not just about the planet anymore, or Amerika, it’s about our new savior. Whatever the dish, it’s not complete without a dash of him sprinkled on it!

Now they’ve put the suggestion out there to the artists funded by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), that they might like to think about how they could help him sell his agenda. Was he secretly hoping one of them also might REALLY adore him . . . ?

Wait, what’s that tapping I hear during the midnight hours? Ah, my artist friend, what is this giant slab you are chiseling away at? Let me come and stand beside you and see what you are creating. This must be 20 feet tall! Such workmanship! Such love reflected in your sculpting! What’s that you say? Oh yes–absolutely! It looks exactly like him!


It’s Time to Push Back!

Speaking Of Free Speech . . .