A lot of things can be understood when one knows that there is a spirit world just beyond our perception-most of the time anyway.  And, there are some people who are more sensitive and able to perceive things that others don’t.  The problems come because of the explanations we give to supernatural events.  Here’s the bottom line:

God exists and is supreme and created all things.  The devil exists, along with many fallen angels.  Satan opposes God and wants to challenge him for the throne.  God said ‘bring it on, but you’re not welcome here in my domain’ and He exiled Satan from heaven.  So, Satan and his minions conduct their war from earth, and try to recruit people to their side–either with their consent, or by manipulation & deception.  You are a pawn in a cosmic chess game.  But, God’s got your back–if you choose His side.

God and the devil (‘the enemy’, ‘Satan’, ‘Lucifer’, etc.) are adversaries NOT equals.  The only power Satan wields is that which God allows him.  There is a reason God allows Satan, and evil, to exist-for now.  More on that in a future post.

To the best of my knowledge, Satan cannot take you or enter you against your will.  However, certain activities and dabbling in the supernatural IMPLY your consent and open the door to him.  If you don’t want to open the door to being possessed, then DON’T participate in seances, tarot readings, ouija board games, fortune telling, palm reading, astrology, wicca, channeling, casting spells, astral projection, etc.  It’s also not smart to tattoo yourself with pentagrams,  hang demonic pictures in your house, have porn, etc. Be wise about the music you listen to and the people you spend your time with.

If you think it would be fun to be possessed, stop and think about what it means.  It may start out as fun and games, and the bait is to get you thinking you’ll be in control.  You poke your nose in a time or two and lightening doesn’t strike you and everything seems to be ok, so you go for the bait and the steel jaws of the trap snap shut.  When you are possessed you do not control your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your sanity.  You lose your freedom to choose and to be in control of yourself and your life.  You become a prisoner in your own body.  You get stuffed deep inside and whatever is possessing you steals your identity, your body, your mind, your dreams, your courage, your will, and ultimately will try to take your life.

If this is the shape you are in already-God can set you free.  If you have the will to call out to Him, ask for His forgiveness and help, and  keep calling, He will eventually cross your path with that of someone who is able to help you find deliverance.  IF you have the will.

Demonic possession is much less common than demonic oppression.  Possession happens within your body, oppression happens outside of you.

In the spirit realm, which surrounds us, angels and demons are present.  If you engage in things that are interesting to demonic spirits you will have more of them around you.  If you are interested in truth and knowing God, this interests them and they will follow you and attempt to discourage, distract, and mislead you.  If you are dabbling in the occult, they will find you.  If you are engaging in sin, they will lead you in deeper and deeper.

God can read your mind, Satan can’t.  What demons know about you is what they hear you say, see you write or type, or watch you do.

Demons can mentally oppress you.  They send thoughts at you in the first person (I am . . ., I wish . . ., I should . . ., etc.) so that you believe the thoughts are your own.  The more of a response they get from you, the more they will be encouraged to continue.  Demons don’t need to sleep and their memories don’t get fuzzy like ours.  They are tens of thousands of years old and have seen and understand quite a bit.  Fighting them in your own strength is most likely going to be futile, but do resist them.

Don’t heap guilt on yourself for thoughts that cross your mind.  Resist them, don’t dwell on them, and steer clear of things that invite the enemy into your life.  You can’t control the thoughts that come at you, but you are held responsible for which ones you choose to take the time to think about.

What you think about will shape your actions, and your actions will shape your character. Don’t be fooled that you can ‘look but not touch’ or ‘think but not act’, because your looking and your thinking will eventually drive you to act.  Think of your looking and fantasizing as rehearsals–and ‘just say no’.

A word on ‘raising’ the dead, through seances, etc.:  don’t do it.  You live once and then you die and face judgement.  There is no reincarnation.  Your granny, or Uncle Bob, or whoever, is not roaming around in some netherland hoping to make contact with you–but, as I already explained, demons are.

Now, stop and think.  If you and Uncle Bob are all alone (are you really alone?) on a fishing trip and something happens that only you and he know–are you really the only ones that know it?

Remember that there is a spirit world just beyond your perception–but the spirits in that world are able to move between their world and ours.  Remember that these spirits are always around you–you may even have one or more that follow you throughout your life-and their memories are perfect.

Who, besides you and Uncle Bob, might be able to describe that day and whatever it is that happened to you?  Who might remember the time, the weather, what you were wearing?  This is who you’ll get if you try to raise Uncle Bob.  Obviously, having spent time with you and Uncle Bob, he can do a pretty good imitation of him too.


Extraterrestrials . . .

What Does The Devil Look Like?