Tag Archive: possession

On the one hand, I find it hard to believe that a post such as this would be necessary to write for Christians, but (considering what the Bible tells us about the times we are living in) it appears to be vital, and perhaps a bit late in coming.

Christian–vampires are real! Certainly not as they are so favorably portrayed on television though.  There most certainly are foul, demonic spirits with a bloodlust that go about in search of a human to inhabit, in order to fulfill their lusts!

In fact, a lot of the strange ‘beings’ you see today on TV, and in movies, are actual types of demonic beings that are only visible in the spirit realm.  We are being allowed to ‘see’ them, to desensitize us to them–and to change our attitudes towards them.  (I suspect a day may even come when they will be able to manifest in the physical realm.)  Movies today are even teaching kids that they can ‘train their [own] dragon’!

Trained Dragon

What a misrepresentation!  The whole idea that these beings are subject to us is an absolute lie!  Neither are they ‘just misunderstood’ or harmless to their ‘friends’.  These beings, in reality, are demons–dangerous, deceiving and manipulative.


We can debate all day whether it is possible for a Christian to be possessed, or whether a possessed ‘Christian’ ever truly was a Christian, but there are things we may never completely understand, in this life.  The working of the spirit realm are one of those things.  The Bible gives us glimpses into what happens there, but most of it is hidden from us.  (definition of  ‘occult’ = hidden)

I think one of the reasons that people are so drawn to occult is that they fail to understand the nature of life.  In this world, we are mortal.  But this world is only a testing ground, and a place to develop and refine our character.

Most of us wish to be immortal (but is this world really a place where you would wish to be trapped forever?).  Some people will go to great lengths to achieve immortality.  Sadly, they are easily led astray.

Only what is good and righteous will be granted the gift of immortality! This universe has a Creator, and it is His purpose to sift the good from the bad and destroy all wickedness forever.  He is good, and it is His will that what is good and righteous will be with Him for all eternity.  Because He is the Creator, He makes the rules and He gets to choose!!

Now, the sad thing is, all mankind is bad.  The seed of evil(ness) lies within each of us.  I believe it is encoded in the DNA of man.  Each and every human being inherits a physical body, complete with a tiny seed of evil.  God watches to see whether we will feed and nurture that seed of evil, or whether we will fight it.

But, even fighting it is not enough.  Because each of us has that spot of rottenness inside us, we cannot take part in the immortal world that exists beyond this life.  But here is the mystery that God performed: He came to Earth (Jesus) and lived a life of perfection inside a human body.  Then, rather than die a natural death, He arranged that men would put Him to death.  Because He was perfect and completely innocent, He was able to take our sins upon Himself, and suffer in our place, to make a passage into eternity for us.

Make no mistake, this is the only exception God ever has or ever will make for mankind to enter into immortality!

Jesus on Cross

Since Jesus was perfect, and without sin–whose sins did He suffer and die for?  Any of us who is really sorry for the wrong we have done, and who is willing to stop doing wrong!  But, each person has to ask God for their own forgiveness and trust that Jesus died in their place (this is your ‘ticket’).

Then we must live life differently–we must turn away from evil and do good.  We must be obedient to God’s rules for the rest of our life–this protects us from evil.  (Living this new life is what ‘gets you to the airport when it’s time for the plane to leave’.  Many people have accepted the ‘ticket’, but have failed to  ‘be at the airport’ when the plane took off–because they went back to living an evil life.)  If you truly want to be immortal and spend eternity with God, you need to spend your life here with Him too.  There is no immortal life apart from God.

What does any of this have to do with vampires?


As most of you are aware, there is a hidden spirit world.  God lives there.  He created the immortal beings that also live there–angels.  But not all angels are good.  One of the chief among them decided He could do a better job than God, and he (the devil/Satan/Lucifer) is in rebellion against God.  Nearly 1/3 of the angels have joined in his rebellion.  (They are now called ‘fallen angels’, ‘demons’, ‘evil spirits’).

From their point of view, they believe Satan is going to win the fight against God.  Therefore, when they make contact with humans, they make you all kinds of promises of what things will be like for you, if you befriend them and join in the rebellion.

Here’s something to remember though–God created Satan.  God and the devil are not equals.  There is no question that Satan will lose his fight against God.

God created a destroyer to nurture evil, and to fight goodness.  This opposition makes goodness stronger, and makes evil visible.  At the time He has planned, God will sift the good from the evil, and will destroy all evil.  This was God’s purpose in creating the role of ‘The Destroyer’.  None of this was a mistake, or a surprise to God.  This is why God allows evil–because it must grow to maturity before the judgment day.

But God is just.  He will avenge and He will repay.  He will make right the things that we suffer here.  Whatever we lose in this short life will be more than repaid in eternity.

Back to vampires and evil spirits . . . the devil is going to be given a short time (3 1/2 years) to be in charge of the whole world.  He will enter into, and possess, a man who will be global leader for 42 months.  During that time, he will try to kill all of God’s people (Christians and Jews).  That day is very close.

These days, there are evil spirits everywhere.  These spirits are telling people a lot of things (some true, some not) and making a lot of promises.

Some of these demonic spirits have fooled people into believing that they are space aliens, a superior race which has come here to teach and help us.

Grey Alien


Others claim to be angels  (technically they arefallen angels), and they promise to lead people into new truth.   Many different groups of demons lead people into the many false religions around the world.  Some lead people into a particular type of wickedness–such as drug abuse, homosexuality, or astrology.  Others seduce people to explore or experiment with evil–demonic music, ouija boards, invoking spirits, watching or reading about witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism, etc.

Some demons portray themselves as good, loving and compassionate–‘white witchcraft’, nature spirits, male cross dressers, some religious spirits, etc.–while others are very proud of their violence and wickedness.  Some even portray themselves as gods (I suspect these are fallen angels that were given control over a specific geographical location, before they fell).

But they all have one purpose in common: to spread the rebellion against God and destroy His people.  And they all have this in common:  they twist people’s perception of God and teach them to disobey the one true God, in one way or another.

You are going to have to decide if you believe them, and which side you want to be on.

It is important to understand–angels and demons know God’s rules and what the Bible says.  Demons just choose not to believe it anymore.

You also need to know that angels and demons are immortal–but there is no savior for angels that go bad.

Why are these things important to know?  For a number of reasons:

  • Angels don’t make mistakes.  If there is even one thing wrong in what an angel tells a person, that is a deceiving angel–because all angels know the truth.
  • Angels who obey God will only speak to a child of God who is living in obedience . . . WHEN and IF God instructs them to . . . and will only say what God instructs them to say . . . and this VERY rarely happens.
  • Obedient angels who do contact humans are only messengers.  They never draw attention to themself, or allow themself to be worshiped.  They speak only on behalf of God and they give God praise and glory.
  • Obedient angels’ messages always line up with the Bible–the whole Bible message, not just one passage.  They never contradict God or His Word.
  • Obedient angels never tempt people to sin.
  • Angels who follow God don’t disobey Him, because an angel that disobeys will not have a place in God’s kingdom in eternity.
  • Because angels are immortal, even an angel that disobeys God will not die.  Disobedient angels suffer eternal punishment.
  • Obedient angels don’t accidentally disobey God.

Many people, knowingly and unknowingly, are doing things that are enabling more demonic spirits to enter our physical world.

Some of these ways are obvious: seances, taking hallucinogens, staring in the mirror while speaking satanic invocations, etc.

Others may be a little less obvious: tarot readings, palm readings, playing with ouija boards, talking to dead relatives, listening to certain music, using drugs, watching horror movies, watching or reading porn, etc.

Besides those, there are many ways that would be surprising to many people:  hanging out in cemeteries, piercing, tattooing, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking prescription meds, having ‘lucky’ objects, calling on luck when playing games, having sex with someone you aren’t married to, etc.Laying Hands On

And there are some that would be very surprising even to Christians:  having hands laid on you, or being prayed over (even in church), by someone who has demons or is demonically influenced.

Some of these things are spiritually dangerous, no matter what your mindset. You would need to be fasting and praying in order not to be overtaken by them.  Others are dangerous if approached with an emptiness, a desire, an expectation, or an openness that you long to have filled.  (In other words, if your ‘defenses are down’, you will be susceptible.)

The Bible warns against all these things.  If you read the Bible, you should not be surprised that these things are ‘wrong’ or dangerous.  God makes rules to protect you–because He knows what you don’t:  how things work in the spirit realm!

Any kind of rebellion is an open door, and an invitation, to rebellious demonic spirits.  But there are some spiritually dangerous things that seem less obvious.  (They should be obvious, but because of being around them so much, many of us have become desensitized to them.)

So, last but not least, one that will probably surprise everyone:  watching television!

Television, as we know it in America, is in a class by itself.  It puts us into a very receptive, trance-like or hypnotic state while we watch.  In this way, it is able to bypass our objective mind and implant its messages (both verbal and nonverbal) directly into our subconscious.

Watching TV

Most people have some understanding that this happens, in regard to convincing us to buy different products, etc.  But I think very few people see how television molds and shapes the collective conscious of our nation.

The American consciousness (way of thinking/belief system/paradigm/virtual reality) is outwardly manifest in our ‘culture’, but it is first created in our minds through television.  This virtual reality is a composite of the messages that are promoted through television.

It is highly unlikely that the people that create television programs, or television networks, have much awareness of what they are doing–although many of these men are unquestionably demonically influenced.  Such a level of sophistication, deception, and evil intent is required to create this alternate reality, that I am certain it is the mastermind of very powerful demonic entities.  It is a very intentional form of thought and behavior control that is being created and controlled from the darkest spiritual realms.

It is ironic, that the nation which possesses the most truth and the most religious freedom, also has the most scoffers–and ‘Christian’ scoffers (‘Christians’ who don’t believe in the spirit realm) are the worst!!  Truly we have a ‘form of godliness, but deny its power’!

When the truth is taken to  other parts of the world–to ‘unsophisticated’ and ‘backwards’ people, to ‘third world’ nations, they receive it with joy!  They are very aware of the nature of demonic influence around them, and seek to be freed.  But, in America, such things are denied!

Who, from one of these places, if brought to America, would fail to discern the tremendous number of demonic beings here?  Who would not see the myriad ways in which we openly welcome demonic spirits into our lives?

Who would fail to see the obvious danger of television, and how it is being effectively used by the devil to corrupt an entire nation?  Who would not be amazed that we sit (with our little children) in front of this demonic teacher, and absorb the teachings and subtle propaganda from hell that it spews?

Christian: there is little hope that you will have spiritual discernment if you don’t turn off your television!  The devil’s power and ability to deceive is far greater than the level of wisdom and discernment that most of us have!  How much more so, when it is done subliminally!!

Jesus said that few would find the way (to truth and eternal  life).  It is a certainty that if you really want to find God, most of the time you are going to stand apart from other people!  You cannot conform yourself to the crowd and live in truth!  If you can’t stand to not ‘fit in’, you aren’t going to be able to stand for God.

If you want to stand for God–before anything else, you have to make up your mind that it is ok not to fit in!

Until standing for God is more important to you than standing with the crowd, any correction given to you is just a waste of time.  All teaching, all truth, will be totally lost on you.  You will accept a lie–even an ugly, wicked, obvious lie–before you will accept the truth.

The themes that Satan is promoting in America, through television, are becoming more evil, and more blatant, every day.  In fact, if you are following something that is popular in movies and books, and on TV, it is a virtual certainty that it is propaganda from hell in the rebellion against God.

Christian–wake up!  Think about it:  Satan is consolidating the mindset of the world, to accept evil and to rebel against God.  Have you been so blinded that you have to wonder whether or not it is ok to read Harry Potter books?  to watch Twilight and True Blood?  to be getting tattooed and pierced?  to smoke?  to be ‘hooking up’?

Television has so desensitized Americans to evil and danger that we walk around with a fearless mentality–as though evil isn’t real, or we are somehow above it.   Yet, at the same time, many American ‘Christians’ have opened so many doors to demons that their own bodies have become habitations for every sort of foul spirit!  No wonder they can’t discern when evil spirits infiltrate their churches–they are already living in  harmony with them every day!!

It is time to wake up, and be afraid!!  Some things are not meant to be toyed with!  While it is true, that believers who are living righteously have power over the enemy, it is not true that we can live carelessly and nothing can touch us!

You may not need to fear being seized by some violent evil spirit that will cause you to jump off a cliff–but you certainly need to be very aware that you can easily be seduced into opening yourself to a deceiving spirit, by partaking of things that you shouldn’t.

Deceiving spirits can be hard to detect.  They affect your mind, twist your understanding of truth, and distort your perception of God. They burrow deep into your heart and mind, looking for seeds of unbelief and rebellion that they can cultivate.  Then they lead you away from God, and into sin.  They can work very slowly, and it may take decades to see the fruit of their work in your heart.  You may even continue to ‘do great things for God’ outwardly, while your heart is being drawn away from Him.  But, if you live long enough, one day it will become apparent that the fruit you produce, that looks so beautiful on the outside, is full of rottenness and worms on the inside.

One last thing you need to know: demons multiply!  Once a demon has taken up residence inside you, others will join it.  Wise people know this principle and will warn you against many things that may seem trivial.  It is easy to laugh them off, but think about it:  if some activities, that seem safe enough, can provide entry points for demons . . . and if demons ‘multiply’, once they have taken up residence . . . is there really any way to be sure how many and what kind of demons you may eventually have inside, if you carelessly allow the first one in?

When spirits move in, you become ‘possessed’; you are ‘taken captive’, ‘in bondage’–no longer in control! Does this still sound like fun?

Jared Lee Loughner

How do you know that you won’t end up with ‘multiple personalities’?  or a schizophrenic spirit? an epileptic spirit? a homosexual spirit? a ‘serial killer’ spirit?  a pedophile spirit? an alcoholic spirit?  a suicidal spirit?  Yes, any of those could enter in–and you don’t get to pick!

If you are playing with these things today, there’s a good chance you’ll later end up in jail, a mental institution, or the morgue!  Go ahead and laugh, but remember this: once evil spirits move in, your spirit is merely in the way . . .

Phil Spector mugshot


American Empire–Sowing The Seeds Of Hatred

Will You Know Him When He Comes?

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against Us

Angels, Demons & Raising the Dead

What Does The Devil Look Like?

Angels, Demons & Raising the Dead

A lot of things can be understood when one knows that there is a spirit world just beyond our perception-most of the time anyway.  And, there are some people who are more sensitive and able to perceive things that others don’t.  The problems come because of the explanations we give to supernatural events.  Here’s the bottom line:

God exists and is supreme and created all things.  The devil exists, along with many fallen angels.  Satan opposes God and wants to challenge him for the throne.  God said ‘bring it on, but you’re not welcome here in my domain’ and He exiled Satan from heaven.  So, Satan and his minions conduct their war from earth, and try to recruit people to their side–either with their consent, or by manipulation & deception.  You are a pawn in a cosmic chess game.  But, God’s got your back–if you choose His side.

God and the devil (‘the enemy’, ‘Satan’, ‘Lucifer’, etc.) are adversaries NOT equals.  The only power Satan wields is that which God allows him.  There is a reason God allows Satan, and evil, to exist-for now.  More on that in a future post.

To the best of my knowledge, Satan cannot take you or enter you against your will.  However, certain activities and dabbling in the supernatural IMPLY your consent and open the door to him.  If you don’t want to open the door to being possessed, then DON’T participate in seances, tarot readings, ouija board games, fortune telling, palm reading, astrology, wicca, channeling, casting spells, astral projection, etc.  It’s also not smart to tattoo yourself with pentagrams,  hang demonic pictures in your house, have porn, etc. Be wise about the music you listen to and the people you spend your time with.

If you think it would be fun to be possessed, stop and think about what it means.  It may start out as fun and games, and the bait is to get you thinking you’ll be in control.  You poke your nose in a time or two and lightening doesn’t strike you and everything seems to be ok, so you go for the bait and the steel jaws of the trap snap shut.  When you are possessed you do not control your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your sanity.  You lose your freedom to choose and to be in control of yourself and your life.  You become a prisoner in your own body.  You get stuffed deep inside and whatever is possessing you steals your identity, your body, your mind, your dreams, your courage, your will, and ultimately will try to take your life.

If this is the shape you are in already-God can set you free.  If you have the will to call out to Him, ask for His forgiveness and help, and  keep calling, He will eventually cross your path with that of someone who is able to help you find deliverance.  IF you have the will.

Demonic possession is much less common than demonic oppression.  Possession happens within your body, oppression happens outside of you.

In the spirit realm, which surrounds us, angels and demons are present.  If you engage in things that are interesting to demonic spirits you will have more of them around you.  If you are interested in truth and knowing God, this interests them and they will follow you and attempt to discourage, distract, and mislead you.  If you are dabbling in the occult, they will find you.  If you are engaging in sin, they will lead you in deeper and deeper.

God can read your mind, Satan can’t.  What demons know about you is what they hear you say, see you write or type, or watch you do.

Demons can mentally oppress you.  They send thoughts at you in the first person (I am . . ., I wish . . ., I should . . ., etc.) so that you believe the thoughts are your own.  The more of a response they get from you, the more they will be encouraged to continue.  Demons don’t need to sleep and their memories don’t get fuzzy like ours.  They are tens of thousands of years old and have seen and understand quite a bit.  Fighting them in your own strength is most likely going to be futile, but do resist them.

Don’t heap guilt on yourself for thoughts that cross your mind.  Resist them, don’t dwell on them, and steer clear of things that invite the enemy into your life.  You can’t control the thoughts that come at you, but you are held responsible for which ones you choose to take the time to think about.

What you think about will shape your actions, and your actions will shape your character. Don’t be fooled that you can ‘look but not touch’ or ‘think but not act’, because your looking and your thinking will eventually drive you to act.  Think of your looking and fantasizing as rehearsals–and ‘just say no’.

A word on ‘raising’ the dead, through seances, etc.:  don’t do it.  You live once and then you die and face judgement.  There is no reincarnation.  Your granny, or Uncle Bob, or whoever, is not roaming around in some netherland hoping to make contact with you–but, as I already explained, demons are.

Now, stop and think.  If you and Uncle Bob are all alone (are you really alone?) on a fishing trip and something happens that only you and he know–are you really the only ones that know it?

Remember that there is a spirit world just beyond your perception–but the spirits in that world are able to move between their world and ours.  Remember that these spirits are always around you–you may even have one or more that follow you throughout your life-and their memories are perfect.

Who, besides you and Uncle Bob, might be able to describe that day and whatever it is that happened to you?  Who might remember the time, the weather, what you were wearing?  This is who you’ll get if you try to raise Uncle Bob.  Obviously, having spent time with you and Uncle Bob, he can do a pretty good imitation of him too.


Extraterrestrials . . .

What Does The Devil Look Like?