I like a bumper sticker I recently saw:

“Yes you did . . . elect a Marxist dictator!”

If you haven’t woken up yet, I hope you will soon. America has been hijacked by a bunch of radical Marxists. Obama’s little collection of czars seems to include holders of every kind of wacky philosophy I’ve ever heard of-and more!

And no, I wasn’t all that happy with Bush! However, with him it was just more of the same government intrusion we’d gotten used to through the years. Obama was something else-I’ll give him that! All of a sudden, many of us jolted awake from our uneasy slumber! A line had been crossed, the camel’s back had broken-however you want to describe it. But suddenly it was all too much and happening way too fast!!

And so we’ve been scrambling to find out what we are up against (those of us who are tired of having our constitutional rights trampled on), and we’ve been learning an awful lot of ugly truths.

For me, the way this all has unfolded, and the string of ‘bad choices’ that have been made, seems to be far more than stupidity, ineptness, or inexperience. (I had the same feeling during the Clinton years, that something else was going on. It seemed to me the Clintons had their eye on a bigger prize than the presidency.) This administration, in less than a year, has wiped away any doubts I may have had about some kind of conspiracy to take down our government.

Our country is systematically being disarmed, impoverished, and dismantled. I believe this is all being orchestrated, for the purpose of initiating a world government.

Many people now believe that there are a group of elite bankers and wealthy men that are behind this. They talk about the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, etc. And there are theories involving the Illuminati, the Freemasons, etc. It is fascinating reading for the curious, but it can absorb much time and accomplish little. I’ll throw my idea in as well-these groups are not necessarily working together, but may be in competition with the same goal in mind.

And now, a new development. I believe Obama was chosen by this elite group, who reportedly controls who will be elected, to be the last ‘democratically elected’ president. And he is hard at work building a new government that will emerge from the ruins of the old one, because the plan is to destroy the old one by some catastrophic crisis or crises, real or contrived, in the very near future. (Ever stop to think about how easily he has been appointing czars as compared to the less than stellar progress he has made in filling legitimate positions in his administration?) And so, the puppet makes his masters proud. But I foresee a twist to this story.

Obama, or the people who have helped him navigate his way, seem to be fairly astute in figuring out how the game is played. He aligns himself with people that share his views, yet at the same time, he is able to convince the elites, who may not share all of the same radical views, that they can work together for a ‘win-win’ situation. I think they underestimated him. For whatever reason, and race probably being part of it, they picked him as the man to represent the system they have been devising, and to sell it to the world. But I believe they are going to find themselves ensnared in the trap they have set.

I believe his agenda runs deeper than they suspected, though they may now be starting to catch on. I sense in him, and his wife, a particular arrogance, and a seething contempt for rich, white, elitists. They are the pig he rode to power, but that pig has just been invited to dinner!

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?

Is The President AWOL?