(Continued from Part 2, ‘Amerika’)

There WILL BE one world government, ruled by the antichrist. I don’t want to see it happen, because I’ve read the end of the book–I KNOW how that turns out! While the Bible spells out much about what will take place, it doesn’t say that America has to be the seat of his power!

Sure, our currency reflects the designs that the freemasons have, for a world government that begins in America–but that is not prophecy! It is a hope, a plan, a goal of some–but God has not decreed it to happen.  America was ordained and established by God.  The plans of the corporate/government/banking alliance are already beginning to unravel–and with them goes the dollar.  How ironic that the design on the back of the dollar, reflecting their grand plan, will instead stand as a testament to failure.  When you oppose God, you lose.

Don’t be fooled by false ‘prophecies’–a prophecy is only as infallible as the one who ordains it! Maybe the Mayans somehow saw the future–or not. Maybe Nostradamus saw what would happen–or not, etc., etc., etc.

The Bible makes it clear that if a prophet is speaking God’s prophecies–he will never be wrong! If he is not 100% right in his prophecies, then they did not come from God. And if it doesn’t claim to be the word of God, then it is not even a prophecy. It is a goal, a hope, a fear, or an opinion!

If you are still not convinced that something new has settled upon our country, that there is a conspiracy unfolding, then look at the alliances Obama is making. He is snubbing our traditional white, imperialist allies and befriending dictators! Sure, you can say he is just trying to ‘establish a dialogue’ with them to bring about resolution to current conflicts–but that is just the cover! In fact, it isn’t even a cover. All of this is happening in plain sight, yet people do not see!

We currently have several world leaders, who have recently seized power from their people–Putin, Chavez, Zelaya. Elected democratically, they then changed the laws, enabling themselves to stay in office. Wake up please. It is happening in America now too!

If you don’t think he sympathizes with these dictators, look at his response to the heroic efforts of the Hondurans in ousting a leader who was doing the same thing he is–usurping power and violating the people’s constitutional rights! He sided with Zelaya and insists he should be returned from exile and placed back into power over the Honduran patriots!

And consider his lack of response to the brave freedom loving people in Iran who were protesting a fraudulent election. Silence, until he was repeatedly pushed to issue some kind of response– and even then it was lukewarm at best!

These are the people that Obama is befriending–bold, audacious men that take what they want by force. I believe he feels a kinship with these men because he has similar ambitions. In fact, I believe they are all auditioning for the position of world leader.

These are the philosophical allies of our president–and he is working to establish them as his political allies as well! Every move he makes is to court those who despise freedom and draw them into his circle of influence!

Look at his appointees-many of them are drawn from the ranks of the organizations he puts them in charge of overseeing! Do you not see that he is throwng the door open wide and letting the fox into the henhouse? And he welcomes people from every ideology that is opposed to America as we know it!

The status quo is under attack–and it probably should be! But the direction in which he is taking us instead is not towards honesty, transparency, justice, and equality. Those are his claims, but you must look at his actions! While he may cover his real convictions with the words we want to hear, the people he surrounds himself with don’t even attempt to veil their convictions!

It has struck me how he has told us, more or less, what he planned to do. His agenda is not deeply concealed. In fact, it is so obvious that it is hard to understand why people are not seeing what it is! Unlike previous administrations, his ambitions and design are all happening in plain sight-this is very unusual too! Here is why I believe that it is happening this way:

Whether or not he knows and intends that what he is putting in place in America will pave the way for the antichrist to have world dominion is not apparent at this time. However, there are deep spiritual involvements and implications here!

Understand, for example, that a person cannot be possessed without inviting it. There are spiritual laws that cannot be violated. So too, it would be a violation of spiritual laws for Satan to seize control of government on earth. However, he is free to persuade & deceive men to grant him the power that is rightfully theirs! So, he courts the leaders of the world’s people.

So, Obama is NOT violating spiritual laws in creating a government for the antichrist to control. He is doing this in plain sight to obtain the implied consent of the American people! He may say one thing, but we can see, if we choose to, what he is really doing. This protects the antichrist from being unseated on the grounds that he violated spiritual laws in obtaining his power. Therefore, if you have any objections to what is happening, you must act to oppose it now, while the power of government still belongs to the American people.

(Continued in Part 4, ‘The Witness’)