Jesus promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church (BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH*).  Do the ‘gates of Hell’ represent the front line of Satan’s war on the Church?  Does it mean that although Satan attacks the Church and backs it into a corner, he won’t win. NO!!!  It means that as the Church attacks the gates of Hell–we will prevail!

But, I have to ask, for the last 50 or so years, who has been battering the gates of whom?  Who has retreated and retreated until, soon, they will be hunkered down behind their gates, trembling at the onslaught?

Tolerance and political correctness are just new terms for ‘surrender’!  Was Jesus politically correct?  Was he tolerant of evil?

A few years ago it was all the rage to ask ‘what would Jesus do’.  When He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and vendors in the temple, that was a clue!  It was also a foreshadowing of the system we are facing today (Babylon the Great), a corrupt alliance of businesses, bankers & politicians, upon whom God’s wrath and judgment will be poured out during the Tribulation.  I am not advocating violence.  I AM advocating boldness!

Jesus left us with the task of sharing the gospel with everyone, and fighting evil. We were to continue doing the work that Jesus had begun and demonstrate the good that God intended for mankind when He placed us here on Earth.

We were to be the salt that protected the world from becoming a place of depravity!  But the ‘salt has lost its saltiness’!  We were to be the light, to keep the world safe because ‘whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open’, yet we have ‘covered our lamp with a bowl’!  The whole world has slid into corruption and gangrenous decay, and we have retreated to a dimly lit corner!!

We have done pretty well at sowing the gospel, but, over time, we have neglected the fight against evil within our own borders.  We have become complacent and choked by the cares of this world.

God established America so that we would have a place from which to manifest His power and goodness to the nations!!  AMERICA wasn’t to be God’s witness to the world–America was to be the place from which the CHURCH could operate most safely and freely, and be His witness to the world!

For each of us, it’s time to decide which side of the fence we are on!  Are we to continue letting evil prevail around us and in our own lives, and lay aside His name?  Or will we clean up our own act (by the power of God within us), live righteously, and wage war on the kingdom of darkness?

God will not bless a lukewarm Christianity–we do dishonor to His name!  For those who want to call themselves ‘Christians’,  it is time to root sin out of our own lives, and expose and fight against evil wherever we encounter it!  Be assured that He is with us–and that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against us!

*The idea that Peter was the first Pope, and that Jesus thus established the Catholic church, is based upon a fundamental misunderstanding of His meaning in Matthew 16:18.  If the verse is read in context, it is seen that the ‘rock’ upon which Christ will build His church is Peter’s declaration that He (Jesus) is ‘the Christ, the Son of the living God’.


It’s Time To ‘Shake The Dust Off’

You Only Die Once–Make It Count!