If I had told Christians, thirty years ago, that in the not-too-distant future Christians would line up to lay down on a table, listen to relaxing music and have someone impart evil spirits into their bodies, they would probably have thought I was nuts.

If I had told them that, before receiving these spirits into their bodies, Christians would pray to them and invite them in, would they have believed me?

If I had told them that churches would actually be promoting the practice, they would have shaken their heads in amazement and wondered ‘Where are the pastors, where are the elders, where are those with discernment–how can this be?’

How far astray the church has wandered!!  Before I became a Christian, I dabbled in the occult.  I was told there was ‘black magic’ and ‘white magic’–that a person could have supernatural powers and use them for good.  I bought the lie that the ‘goodness’ or ‘evilness’ of the practice was determined by one’s intention.

The truth is:  the power, the energy force that empowers people who seek supernatural power, is evil It springs from demonic beings–beings that were once angels, but rebelled against God.

There is another lie:  that there are good spirits or evil spirits that can be our guides, and that we can choose which.

The truth is:  the only ‘good spirits’ are angels that are living in obedience to God.  They are in submission to Him only.  They do not submit to the will of men, or make themselves available to do their bidding.  Angels do not seek to live in the bodies of men, because they are spirit beings that live in the spirit realm, and have glorious spiritual bodies.

(Evil spirits, on the other hand, have been cast out of heaven.  Their spirit bodies are now devoid of power, because they are no longer empowered by the presence of God.  Their true appearance is distorted and misshapen, because they no longer reflect His glory.)

For people seeking spiritual power, there is the promise of a symbiotic relationship, a ‘win-win’ situation for both them and the disembodied spirits who seek a fuller existence in the physical realm.  These spirits are willing to submit themselves to you, to a certain extent, in trade for the right to dwell in your physical body.  (Contrary to popular belief, these spirits can inhabit the body of a Christian!)

However, just as they did not submit to God, these demonic spirit beings are not going to submit themselves to the will of men for long.  Once they take up residence inside your body, they will battle with your spirit for control.  Unlike you, they do not need food or sleep.  They will battle you 24/7 until your spirit retreats and they become the dominant spirit in your body.

These demons are part of Satan’s army here on Earth.  There are many deceptions, tailored to the beliefs and cultures of different people, that encourage them to open themselves to spirits.

Wherever there is sin, there is demonic activity.

Each of the ten commandments, if followed, is a protection against opening oneself (inadvertently) to different kinds of evil spirits.  At the top of the list is the commandment that offers protection against the most powerful of the demonic spirits, and it works itself down from there:

1. Not worshiping other gods–protects against possession by powerful territorial spirits, and even Satan himself.

2. Not creating or worshiping idols–also protects against possession by powerful territorial spirits, and even Satan himself.  Physical idols create a place of habitation, and a point of contact, for demons.

3. Not misusing the name of God–protects us from spirits of blasphemy.

4. Keeping the Sabbath–keeps us in remembrance that God alone is The Creator.  This protects us from pride and the temptation to follow men (who may be hosting demon spirits).

5. Honoring one’s parents–protects us against spirits of rebellion.

(pride and rebellion were the origins of Satan’s fall)

6. Not committing murder–protection against  murderous spirits.

(rebellion was the first human sin, murder was the second)

7. Not committing adultery–protection against the multitude of unclean spirits that lead us to partake of every kind of sexual impurity.

8. Not stealing–protection against thieving spirits.

9. Not giving false testimony–protection against lying spirits.

10. Not coveting–protection against spirits of greed (and the love of money, which is the root of allevil).

When evil spirits enter in, they bring others with them.  Never underestimate the potential of small things.  Most people, as children, begin sinning ‘at the bottom of the list’ (of the ten commandments).  Once the spirits of greed, lying, or stealing enter in, they open the door to others, and we get involved in sins of ever-increasing severity.

Because these demons are part of Satan’s army here on Earth, he goes to great lengths to encourage people to sin–to open the door to them, so that they can take up residence in physical bodies where they can do greater work to promote his rebellion against God.

No, not everyone who is possessed of evil spirits becomes a murderous zombie!  But, because of the voices they begin to hear, the spiritual leadings they feel, many become false teachers and promoters of all kinds of heresy.  And that brings us back to the subject of this post.

There are now many in the churches who have been bewitched and bedeviled, who have opened themselves to ‘spirit guides’, and have then worked, at their behest, to become promoters of these practices in their churches.

Chances are, many of you have been exposed to these heresies and deceiving spirits–it has become very widespread within the churches.  It will be hard for some of you to consider the information that I am providing, because of pride, disbelief, and/or the influence of demonic spirits that will seek to snatch away the truth, to protect themselves, lest their deceptions be exposed.

Please listen to this audio!!  There is VERY important information here. If you find yourself becoming angry or defensive . . . step back and ask yourself why.  The unwillingness to receive correction (pride) can keep us in bondage.  No one likes to admit that they were wrong, or that they were fooled, but we are all susceptible to deception, and to making mistakes.  Focus instead on what you can do about it.

If you were involved with this, please repent of your involvement.  Then you will need to do some spiritual warfare–renouncing of spirits and (later) possibly obtaining deliverance.

But before you ‘jump from the frying pan into the fire’–PRAY!!  Ask God for direction, protection, and guidance.  There are false deliverance ‘ministries’ out there that are linked to this whole spiritual movement!  It is bigger than you think–this audio focuses in on just one aspect of it.

Besides repenting and renouncing, don’t do anything else until you have spent much time in prayer and seeking God, and until you have learned much more about what you have gotten ensnared in.


Here is a second interview, that delves into the subject of ‘Christian’ yoga.   Why is it dangerous?
