There is a whole group of people that we, in our modern society have ignored, to our own peril. Certain people are just born gatekeepers–watchmen if you will, or whistle blowers.

If you look at our worst disasters, there were people who had been trying to warn us. The 9/11 attacks . . . Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme . . . protests against the Vietnam War . . . What about the ‘Green Revolution’, genetically modified crops, exploitation by multinational corporations . . . (oh, I’ll bet you haven’t heard about the results of some of these things, but you will).

Our failure to listen has brought us to where we are now–and there is more to come. We have been ‘sowing bad seed’ for quite awhile. Not all of it has reached fruit-bearing age yet.

Why is it that our society has this blind spot? Certain people are just more tuned in to their intuition, the Spirit of God and/or the ‘collective consciousness’. They are able to forecast trends or see a few steps ahead of the masses.

If a person uses this gift to advance himself by channeling it into creating a business, it rises to the top, they become well-known and we marvel at their foresight. But those who try to use it for the well-being of others, to warn them of impending problems, we label as extremists or nut jobs. Why is this?

One of my theories is that, in our time at least, what they say has tended to conflict with somebody’s bottom line. We have elevated the corporation to the status of a god–and God forbid we should do or say anything that questions the motives, or threatens the intentions of this god!

Capitalism is good, but not perfect. (I am a capitalist too, make no mistake, because I don’t know of a better system. But, in its present form, I think it is completely corrupt–a system that perpetrates greed, exploitation, and corruption.) It is seriously flawed if it operates without ethical oversight.

The reverence and worship for the American Corporation that we hear today, in the words of so many proponents of capitalism, reveals their blind spot, their Achille’s heel if you will. They are under its spell.

Are we starting to see the character of this god yet? Have all the fiascos of the last couple of decades, and especially the last year, not caught our attention? CORRUPT! Without our watchmen at the gates, corruption thrives! Our politicians have long been ‘in bed’ with these multinational corporations (and international banks–just another kind of multinational corporation). Together, they have formed a shadow government that is really in charge of much of the world *.

And who is it that stands to gain the most from silencing the voices of the gatekeepers? The corrupt political/corporate/banking government. They marginalize and discredit the voices of opposition. This is always the way it works–discredit the witness.

But, here is something to consider–what do the parties involved stand to gain? Doesn’t the fact that the gatekeeper/whistleblower has nothing to gain lend him more credibility? Doesn’t the fact that he is willing to speak out, sometimes at GREAT personal risk, lend him even greater credibility? Can we not believe that not everyone can be bought, that not everyone is motivated by greed? No, instead we are suspicious of someone whose motives we can’t uncover.

There IS a certain breed of people, motivated by the desire for justice and the welfare of others! Many people can’t understand such a motivation, and believe it is just a cover for something sinister, or for a mental defect. But most of us respect that calling if it is channeled into a career as a pastor, teacher or social worker!

It is time to wake up and realize that what we have needed has been here all along. Every society has its watchmen. They are legitimate in their calling, and they are our first line of defense–against corruption, tyranny, exploitation, etc., etc, etc. It’s time to seek them out and listen!!

* The Bible refers to this present-day political/corporate/banking government, in Revelation, as ‘Babylon the Great’. Some call it ‘The Whore of Babylon’.


It’s Time To Push Back!
