I have heard that the National Health Care plan is to be set up in such a way that results in young people paying more than older people.  The reasoning? Not sure about that, but I can see one benefit to those who are pushing the bill: many older, less healthy people may breathe a sigh of relief because they can’t afford higher payments, and will be less likely to oppose the bill.  We’d better look farther though, and not yield to that temptation.

Most young people  enjoy good health but have low income.  Why should they pay more?  They should not inherit our problems.  Ultimately, we failed to provide for our own old age, before these young adults were ever born!

The Bible tells us to discipline our children, but warns against provoking them to wrath!  What provokes children to wrath?  Injustice!

I will mince no words.  If we approve  of binding such an unjust burden upon the young people of America–we will ultimately reap what we sow: euthanasia.

Do any of you who wonder:  Why would Obama turn on the young people who, overwhelmingly, voted for him?

Here is my opinion:  He knows he has their unquestioning adoration, and they see him as a peer.  The blame will not fall on him, it will fall on ‘the opposition’ (whoever opposes Obama and his agenda), and upon those who will benefit from this unjust system: the sick and the elderly.

This president and his cabinet, czars, etc.  have caused more division in America than anything, or anyone, that I have seen in my lifetime, or can remember from history!  He knows exactly how to play into the entitlement mentality of today’s young people to win them over.  Once their loyalty is won, he and his people add their own discontent and rebellion to the discontent, anger, and fear of the young. They provoke and magnifying the discontent of the young, to help accomplish their revolution.

I don’t think it is an oversight that the National Health Care system was set up in this manner.  The whole thing is a HUGE Trojan horse, full of provisions to ensure the complete overthrow of America as we have known it.  This is why Obama is so adamant that it must be passed!  This embodies his agenda. (See my prevous post: Will America’s New Health Care ID Card Eventually Morph Into ‘The Mark Of  The Beast’?)

When this man took his seat in the White House, America began to crack and divide:  Democrat against Republican, Liberal against Conservative, Black against White, Son against Father, Poor against Rich.

A nation divided against itself cannot stand!  This administration is getting its inspiration and direction straight from Hell!  We know that it is Satan’s nature to steal, kill and destroy, so it is obvious he’s behind this.

We need to be wise, strategic, and HONORABLE.  Don’t let fear and greed tempt you to betray the young in order to effect your own security!  Yes, we need health care reform, but don’t rob someone else to get it!!

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?
Homosexuality, What’s The Big Deal?