Searching for an article I had previously read, I did a Google search of ‘America Empire’.  It yielded twenty six million hits!  It’s right in front of our eyes, yet hidden in plain sight!

People: ‘Actions speak louder than words’, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’–put aside everything you have been told (about America promoting democracy or protecting its ‘interests’ throughout the world), and let actions speak for themselves!

Here is a picture that’s worth a thousand words:

US military bases

We’re told that we are hated because our enemies ‘hate our way of life’ . . . really?  These people hate freedom and prosperity?  Education and opportunity?  Technological advancement?  Good medical care?  Nah, I’m not buying it.

The few that really DO hate our way of life seem to be opposed to the sexual depravity (and materialism?) that we export worldwide via Hollywood!  (It’s really a shame that the American Church is less discerning, with regards to sin, than the ungodly!)

I believe what our enemies hate most, is to be subjugated!!  They hate our imperialism.  Most Americans are blissfully unaware of that aspect of America.  Who the heck gave us the right to determine what other countries should or should not do if they are living peaceably within their own borders?  By what authority do we create ‘regime change’ or assassinate people in another country?  These are just a couple of the things America engages in, that you may have already heard of.

Do I hate America?  I don’t know–I don’t think so.  I do believe America was chosen, inspired, and established by God–that America I do not hate.  The American people–I do not hate.

The corrupt, depraved, imperialistic, tyrannical beast that America has become, backed by multinational corporations and wealthy elite (this must be what they call the ‘military-industrial complex’)?  I am no fan of this.  Our hedonistic culture–This I hate with a passion!

Do I sympathize with our enemies?  With terrorists?  To the extent that I understand why they hate America–yes. As far as understanding their anger and desperation at being subjugated–yes.  Do I condone their actions? NO!!  EMPHATICALLY, NO!!

Would I be just as frustrated as them, if America were under Soviet or Chinese occupation?  I would imagine so!!  Wouldn’t you?

Under Obama, our dear empire has begun using the same tactics to topple America as it has used to topple and subjugate other countries.  We are being relieved of our ‘favored nation’ status within the empire.  We are being brought down to be on par with the rest of the citizens of this new global empire.

Our economy, our independence, and our pride, will be destroyed–and God will allow it to happen.  The people who are dismantling America are being used as the hand of God, to bring His judgment upon us.  Chaos will overtake America.  But, rather than cry out to God in repentance, we will most likely ‘cry Uncle’ (Sam!).  Once we are totally broken, the empire will create a solution that will be our ‘salvation’. We’ll no longer demand special treatment, our ‘entitlement mentality’ will be broken.  We’ll be humbled and willing to sacrifice everything that was our birthright–just for a bowl of soup.

Our currency will be replaced.  We’ll start out fresh, on a new, ‘level playing field’ with the rest of the world, economically.  Our people will depend on the government.  Our right to choose our own leaders, make our own laws, seek redress in court–will be curtailed.  Our personal liberties and individual rights will be surrendered for ‘security’.  Our laws will no longer have God’s standards and truth as their basis, but will instead be based on the good of the empire, the good of all.

In order to give us the best chance at freedom in a world of sinful men, God inspired a fairly elaborate form of government that depended on a series of checks and balances–this ensured that power was not concentrated in any one part of the government.  He  modeled it on Himself (The Father as law giver, the Holy Spirit as the convictor of sin, Jesus as the righteous judge).

In order to endure, this government would require people of upright character to participate and to make sure that the rules were followed.  This government would be able to withstand attempts by an individual, or even a few people, to bring it down.  What it could not endure was widespread corruption, and collusion in regards to looking for ways around the rules.

As our people became more and more corrupt, and looking for loopholes became the ‘American way’, cracks began to form in the foundation.  Before long, beady-eyed little vermin spotted the openings, enlarged them a bit and began to come in, then bigger ones came along and followed suit.  Soon the whole structure was infested and in danger of toppling. That is where we woke up to find ourselves in 2008.

There seems to be a universal principle that, if you will not show restraint, restraint will be placed upon you by outside forces; if you will not take responsibility, it will be imposed on you by outside forces.  So, if you are not sure what sins America is being judged for, look for what has been taken away, and there you’ll find what we misused.  Look for what restraints are placed upon us, and you’ll see what freedoms we abused.  When we forgot that we were ‘one nation under God’, that there was a God in authority above us, that’s when the trouble began.

While our multinational corporations, government, and military were out conquering and subjugating the rest of the world (under the guise of bringing peace and safety), America enjoyed the spoils.  Most of us weren’t concerned or turned a blind eye–if we were even aware of what was going on.  It’s not like our media was telling us . . .

In fact, for most of us, we were busy pursuing our own happiness and prosperity, and our concerns extended little farther than the boundaries of our own backyards.  Oh sure, we might have volunteered a bit, or written a check here and there–but how often did we protest about . . . anything?  When was the last time any of us spoke up, or protested, on behalf of someone else–even someone in our own community?

Like it or not, we Americans are basically self interested, laid back, ‘live and let live’ kind of people–although we can be compassionate and generous.  It is this laid back attitude of the populace that has allowed those of totally opposite nature to become powerful in America.  And it is because we see ourselves as laid back, ‘live and let live’ people who aren’t hurting anyone else, that we are absolutely perplexed as to why we are hated!  I’ll spell it out again:  it’s because those in power, the ‘elite’, are not like you and I.

Their nature is polar opposite to ours.  They lust for power and wealth and will do anything to have it!  Power corrupts and I would venture to say that many of them are beyond redemption.  We are hated because these are the people that have become the ‘face of America’ to people throughout the rest of the world.  Most of our enemies don’t distinguish the difference between the empire of the American elites, and the actual ‘American People’.  Therefore, Americans are hated all over the world.  (And ‘Christian’ if seen as synonomous with ‘American’, becomes an abomination.)

So . . . now some people are waking up to what is, and has been, going on.  Maybe enough people will wake up and repent, and act, to be able to slow down this train that’s barrelling towards destruction.  I sure hope so!

But you can rest assured that, even if we hold off their (the ‘elite’s’) designs on America for now, in 20 years they will be accomplished, regardless. That is because, they have stolen the hearts and minds of our children, right from under our noses.

Why Afghanistan?

Why Haiti?

Will They Take Away Our Children?
Is Your TV Stealing Your Soul?

The powerful tools they use, are the reason children that are raised in church leave the church and never look back!!