Continued from ‘American Empire’

You can rest assured that, even if we hold off the ‘elite’s’ designs on America for now, in 20 years they will be accomplished, regardless. That is because, they have stolen the hearts and minds of our children, right from under our noses.

Their two biggest tools are the schools and our entertainment industry. Our schools are currently the biggest threat, and most imminent danger, to our future liberties! Our history has been rewritten, with a spin. Any reference to God, or his truth, has been removed from our schools. Our children are being indoctrinated with humanism, liberalism, relativism, globalism, and sexual and moral perversion–while at the same time being deprived of a basic education. Look at the ideals of the people who are writing the textbooks!!

How many parents, these days, have enough time with their children to undo these influences in which they are immersed every day? When did education go from being a right of our children, to being a license for educators and government to liberate our children from our care and influence? At what point did we relinquish our parental authority?

Our schools have changed from being centers of education and empowerment, to being disseminators of propaganda, and tools for social change. Our children are being trained up, prepared, to be perfect citizens of a global dictatorship. I would venture to say that many of our kids are (maybe only unconsciously) expecting and looking forward to it! Their educators have given them a vision–have we? Their educators are unabashed in their mission–are we as bold as Christians? If you never complain about how or what they are being taught, then, in your kids’ eyes, it has your seal of approval–and they open their hearts and swallow whatever they are told!

If parents don’t wake up to this–SOON–all really will be lost. If parents don’t rise up together and demand change, what authority they do still have over their children will evaporate too. Maybe it means everyone that is opposed, pulling their kids out of school. I don’t know. But the longer we wait, the more it is going to cost us.

The other HUGE threat to our children is like a monstrous, powerful, raging river on which we are all rafting. I don’t think it’s possible to overestimate the power that our entertainment industry has in shaping our culture, our morals, and our values.

Is Your TV Stealing Your Soul?

These two forces combined, are the reason children that are raised in church leave the church and never look back!!

Why We Should Elect (Or Appoint) Lawbreakers To Be Leaders