‘Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us . . . ” ‘

Not long after the Lord made this scripture more vivid to me (by causing me to see that ‘hid in caves’ was not only natural caves, but also man-made caves–bunkers) I ran across theories about the Denver International Airport. They were really frightening.

It is widely rumored that our ‘shadow government’/’the elites’ has constructed a massive bunker there to serve as a ‘control and command’ structure during some kind of disaster.

Just as disturbing, and perplexing, is the artwork in the airport. Here are pictures of the statue, and a few of the murals:

Denver International Airport Blue Mustang

Denver International Airport Blue Mustang

Denver Airport Blue Mustang

Denver Airport Blue Mustang

The Children of the World Dream of Peace (right panel)

‘The Children of the World Dream of Peace’ (right panel)

I was once a little child

closeup of paper under sword

The Children of the World Dream of Peace (left panel)

‘The Children of the World Dream of Peace’ (left panel)

In Peace and Harmony with Nature (left panel)

‘In Peace and Harmony with Nature’ (left panel)

In Peace and Harmony with Nature (right panel)

‘In Peace and Harmony with Nature’ (right panel)

Here is more on the subject:

Alex Christopher’s interpretation

To be honest, I was very concerned at the things that are being said in connection with the Denver International Airport.  I did not find any explanation, by the artist, of the meaning of the murals.  It seems that people are using their own imaginations to interpret the pictures, and they are really coming up with some scary allegations.  But as I was looking closely at these pictures just now, while writing this post, I believe I understand the artist’s message–and it is far different than what people are saying.

I still find some of the things worrisome–if they are true.  But the meaning I read in the murals is not sinister.  It is ‘New Agey’ and all, but I do not read the same evil intent that people are attributing to them.  (please see my 1/12/11 update at the bottom of the page.  After learning more, I have revised my beliefs on this!!) It does show hope for a Messiah (the German[?] boy), who we know will unfortunately be ‘The Antichrist’.

Here is how I read them:

First mural (above):  War, depicted by a horrific looking Nazi, is killing peace.  I see weeping women, children and elderly refugees.  I see homes destroyed.  I see a little orphaned child and babies.  I see no men, and only very young boys.  It is a scene of sorrow and destruction.  (Dead babies?  Maybe the first one, but not all of them.)

Second mural: War is dead.  The children of every nation (no hatred of Jews here–Israel is represented too) are giving their swords to a (German) boy with an iron fist, who is beating them into plowshares.  To me, this is symbolic of him being a world leader who brings peace–a messiah.  Unfortunately, we know that the first ‘Messiah’ to appear will be The Antichrist.

Third mural: I see a nearby city, and a forest being burned for farmland.  I see people very upset over animals that have gone extinct (Buffalo, Whale [Baleen or Blue?], some type of leopard), ivory tusks, a Sea Turtle caught in a gill  net, and endangered animals–protected in cases (Quetzal, Emperor Penguin, and a Passenger Pigeon).  Also, people in graves, that have been eliminated by genocide: Jews, Native Americans, Rwandans.

Fourth mural: The endangered animals have been restored.  The children of the world are all fed, clothed and happy.  The land has been restored.  The city is burning (?). I am not sure what they are gathered around.  It may be symbolic of the ‘spirit of the Earth’.

So, my opinion is that the paintings depict the hopes and dreams of people who believe the ‘powerful delusion’ (New Age religion, false messiah, etc.).  While the delusion is evil, I don’t believe what is depicted in the murals comes from evil intent.

This leads me to wonder how much of the rest of this particular conspiracy theory is baloney . . .

We Are Living In Revelation

Here’s The Deal . . .

This Is Where I Drew The Line . . . Until Yesterday

UPDATE (5/11/10):

With what I have recently learned about the changes that are happening in our solar system, and with the sun, etc. . . . I DO believe that the elites have constructed a ‘control and command’ structure underneath the Denver International Airport.

Jesse Ventura’s ‘Conspiracy Theory-2012 Part 1 of 6’ (Denver International Airport)

UPDATE (6/8/10):

I recently heard The mural artist (Leo Tanguma) now has a website showcasing many of his works.  It includes an interpretation of his ‘In Peace and Harmony with Nature’ mural.  It can be seen at:


(there is a box where you can ‘click for more information’ under the first picture)

Here is a bit more commentary on the Blue Mustang:


Now this makes me wonder if the folks at DIA just like the attention . . . Another monolithic sculpture has just been installed–this one is of the Egyptian God of The Dead . . .

Egyptian god of the dead statue

Egyptian god of the dead statue

Update (7/2/10):

Some people are making claims that the third mural (above) foretells the BP oil spill.  I strongly disagree.  I believe the fire shows the burning of tropical forests to create more farmland (hence the adjoining farmland in the mural).  My best guess for the red water is that it is a ‘red tide’ algae bloom, as a result of pollution coming from the nearby metropolitan area.

Some people are saying that the BP spill was deliberate.  I say, check out my post:  ‘Coincidence? Sabotage? Who Would Gain The Most?’ for my opinion on the matter.

We Have Been Bewitched

Update (1/12/11):

Well, more info today, regarding the fact that ‘New Age Religion’ is what is practiced by the elites.  And, as it turns out, New Age beliefs (when held by powerful people) can be very dangerous for the rest of us.  Here is a link to a broadcast on another siteStarting at 44:00 the speaker tells what New Age beliefs the elite subscribe to, and how that is relevant to us.

Update (11/13/14):

The Nazi agenda will conquer–through conventional warfare, biowarfare, and Muslim vs. Christian violence.  Is that what this mural foretells?  Is that what ISIS and the ebola epidemic are about–just tools of the Nazis to help in their takeover?  Is this their way of taking credit for what is going on?

Adults will be taken away, and only orphans will remain? (Other murals portray a new world populated only with children.)

The Children of the World Dream of Peace (right panel)

‘The Children of the World Dream of Peace’ (right panel)


Will Your Children’s Blood Be Upon Your Hands?

Saving America–Where Do We Begin?