Tag Archive: lion

“Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.

“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.

“And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

“After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.

“After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.” Daniel 7:2-7

The third was like a leopard . . .

“After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.”   Daniel 7:6

I believe this refers to India.

Although the Scripture verse says that the beast looked like a leopard, my understanding is that the terms lion and leopard can be used interchangeably.  At any rate, the original word in this verse, that is translated ‘leopard’, is used only one time in the entire Bible–and it is used figuratively.  This may leave some room for interpretation.

British heraldry (the art of designing and interpreting coats of arms, based on a formal system of rules) may offer some insight.  In fact, just before India became a nation, it was a British colony–so I don’t think it is too far fetched to assume that British symbolism may be relevant.

Wikipedia has this to say:

“The heraldic leopard differs from the real-life leopard (Panthera pardus). It does not have any spots and often has a mane. In heraldry, the leopard is also generally similar to a lion. The reason for this lies in the fact that in the Middle Ages leopards were thought to be a crossbreed between a lion and a panther. This was retained in heraldry.

The difference between leopards and lions passant guardant is scant, if any, and the two terms are generally interchangeable. The beasts on the Coat of arms of England are generally referred to as lions.

Some countries use the leopard in heraldry, which dates back to the colonial rule of the British.”

Symbolically, a leopard can be viewed as a smaller version of a lion–which could explain the significance of British colonies using leopards in their heraldry.

The four wings (two pairs) on the back of leopard represent Pakistan and Bangladesh, which broke away from India and became independent nations.

‘This beast had four heads’ . . .

Lion Emblem of India

India's Four-Headed Lion Emblem

‘and it was given authority to rule.’

August 15, 1947 Britain granted India its independence, giving it the authority to rule.

“After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.”   Daniel 7:6

Interpretation given in Daniel 7:17 is that each of the four beasts in Daniel’s vision is a kingdom ‘that will rise from the earth’.

We are also told that [the first three] beasts, at some point, were ‘ stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time’.  Daniel 7:12
Daniel’s Vision At Night: ‘The first was like a lion’

Daniel’s Vision At Night: ‘a second beast, which looked like a bear’

The Fourth Kingdom–Iron And Clay

“Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea.  Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.

“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.

“And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

“After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.

“After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.”  Daniel 7:2-7

The first was like a lion . . .

“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.”   Daniel 7:4

I believe this refers to Great Britain.  Richard the Lionhearted (King Richard I) chose a 3 lion emblem for the royal coat of arms. During his reign, this warrior-king led the third Crusade, to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Islamic rule.  I believe Richard the Lionhearted may foreshadow Jesus Christ, in the context of this prophecy.

Richard The 3 Lions Coat Of ArmsLionhearted’s Coat Of Arms

Jesus, at His return, will also be a warrior-king, and  I am fairly confident that Islam  will be the ‘end time religion’ and the ‘abomination that causes desolation’, from which Jesus Christ will liberate us.  I am sure that there is much more symbology here than what I can see.

Britain’s lion emblem has changed over time.  But, it does not appear that there ever was an official emblem of a lion with wings, for Great Britain.  The two wings, that were plucked off, represent the United States of America.  Symbolically, they originate from within the lion, become mobile and move away from the lion, and then sever their dependence upon the lion.  It is also fitting, because the emblem of the United States is the eagle.

At some point, the lion’s position changed and today’s British lion stands erect, on two feet, like a man.

British Lion Emblem

British Lion Emblem

If you didn’t catch it yet–“and the heart of a man was given to it”  is a clever play on words that refers to Richard the Lionhearted.  As with all of God’s Word, many layers of truth are contained in every passage, intricately woven together.

Richard Lionheart

King Richard I (Richard Lionheart)

“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.”   Daniel 7:4

Even more fascinating than all of this though, is what can be learned when one delves into the meaning of the coats of arms of Britain!  There was a time, in Britain’s history, when the British knew their ancestry.  It is depicted amidst the rich symbology of their royal coats of arms and national emblems.  Although, today, the knowledge has been largely lost, Britain is the tribe of Ephraim, to which Joseph gave his blessing.

United Kingdom's Royal Coat Of Arms

United Kingdom's Royal Coat Of Arms

The United States is Manasseh (brother of Ephraim), and also heir to the blessing.  When one understands this, ‘all the pieces fall into place’.  Suddenly recent history and world geopolitics make sense.  We realize that America was not inadvertently omitted from the scriptures.  The characteristics of different people groups have a historical context, and we realize–more than ever–what most of us have known deep in our hearts: that America was a nation, founded and blessed by God, and that we ARE His people!

American Eagle

American Eagle

Interpretation given in Daniel 7:17 is that each of the four beasts in Daniel’s vision is a kingdom ‘that will rise from the earth’.

We are also told that [the first three] beasts, at some point, were ‘ stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time’.  Daniel 7:12

The Fourth Kingdom-Iron And Clay

The End Time Religion Is Here


Here is a link with much information, which I don’t have enough knowledge of to either verify nor refute.  I have not had time to really explore the site, so I can’t say whether or not I agree with all the material presented there. But, it seems to be an interesting starting place, for those who might wish to research the subject.  As with anything, one should approach it skeptically, and compare it against the Scriptures.  http://jahtruth.net/britca.htm

There is also much information here:

The United States Of America In Biblical Prophecy

And here:

Forty-seven identifications of the Anglo- Saxons with the lost ten tribes of Israel

Daniel’s Vision At Night: ‘a second beast, which looked like a bear’

Daniel’s Vision At Night: ‘there before me was [a third] beast . .. that looked like a leopard’

The Fourth Kingdom–Iron And Clay