Tag Archive: world domination

” 38.  What we are experiencing today in Islamic terrorism is the normalized pattern Muslims learned from Muhammad. Muslims never negotiate, compromise or enter peaceful co-existences with non-Muslims that are considered permanent.

So too Muslims are content to dwell and sound reasonable and peaceful, until they reach large enough majorities to start flexing their terrorist muscles as we recently saw in the European riots and in France.

Muslim quest for power and world domination is like a creeping weed or a slow dripping faucet that non-Muslims would be wise to take note of and action against.”

Quoted from: http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-encyclopedia-westerners-need-to-know-list.htm

The Goal of Islam

Islamic America?

Islamic America?

Christian America
Christian America


Every American Christian, when we have followed our own selfish desires, rather than being obedient to God, have weakened Christianity in America.
How many of us have looked beyond ourselves, to consider the impact our sin or apathy might have on our community or nation?  Since it seems that many Christians don’t even give thought as to how their sin might impact their own family or church, I doubt many have considered it.

The actions of any one individual  may have very little impact upon our nation, but collectively what we Christians do is of paramount importance!

God gave us a nation where we could live and prosper and be free–and where we could have a major influence in the world.  (Although we definitely made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, in regards to foreign policy.)  God established America as a Christian nation, and we have been privileged to live here.  Not worthy . . . not entitled . . . but rather, the recipients of a gift.

But, through the years, as our prosperity increased, Americans became more and more self-centered.  Even Christians abandoned values such as thrift, honesty, purity, holiness and justice.  We sought after more fun, more passion, more happiness, more knowledge, more fame, more success, and more money to buy more things.  We looked for ways to market and promote ourselves, and our pride and arrogance grew.

Meanwhile, our spirits shriveled from lack of nourishment and neglect.  Our spiritual lives dropped lower and lower on our list of priorities.  Our family bonds became thin and frayed.  And our churches became spiritual hospices, full of people whose spiritual senses were dull and dying, where they spent a few months or years before slipping back into sin and eventually passing away through the doors for the last time.

This created a spiritual vacuum in our country, and Islam is moving in to fill the void.  Islam is not just another religion to be tolerated.  Islam is a form of government disguised as a religion.  It has a complete system of law that will move in to replace the Mosaic law (Judeo-Christian law based on the Ten Commandments that God gave to mankind through Moses) upon which our system of  justice was built.  Islam is spread through deception and violence.  Its goal is worldwide domination.

Islam has spread to America.  It has taken root in our prisons among the violent and discontent.  In the past year and a half it has made bold steps in advancing its agenda and has received much help at the highest levels of our government.  Our president, if not a Muslim (which I am fairly certain he is), is at least a strong sympathizer and accessory to its spread.

If this does not worry you, you probably don’t know much about the doctrines and practices of Islam.  I urge you to learn more.  “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam” is a very good place to begin.  So are these documentaries:

Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West

Warning To America

As we continue to neglect and reject God’s ways, we are leaving the door open to Islam.  No amount of fighting, boycotts, or legislation will protect us from its goal to dominate America.  The only thing that will prevent America from becoming an Islamic nation is for Christians to really BE Christians.  As long as we Christians fail to be pure and sanctified temples in whom God’s Spirit can dwell,  the result will be a country that is  dominated by any and every foul spirit that decides to make America its home.

Many of you have recently heard the verse that says:

” If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

It’s obviously very timely.

I’d like to make a few points:

1.  It is clear that God is not calling on the whole country to repent–although that certainly is desirable–rather, He is calling on those who call themselves Jewish, Israelites, or Christians to repent.

2.  We must humble ourselves. Remember, this is written of us:

“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.”  Revelation 3:17

3.  We must pray, but more than that, we must seek God’s face.  We must not just ‘throw up a prayer’, but have an earnest face to face conversation with Him, so to speak.

4.  We must turn from our wicked ways. If we’re not sure what wickedness we’re involved in–by the time we’ve humbled ourselves and are sitting down for a face to face conversation with God, we’ll know.  But we must not confuse confession with repentance.  God is not calling for us to confess, then go on with our lives.  He is calling for us to repentto change the way we live–forever!

I’m not going to give my suggestions here for what that means.  I do know that most of us live in harmony with/tolerantly with our culture, in many ways.  And I know that our culture is  . . . vile, crass, unholy . . .   Many of us have become so accustomed to it that the changes God might like us to make in our lifestyles may seem too farfetched, too out of sync with the world around us, or too fanatical, and we may be tempted to dismiss them.  I plead with you not to!  Our nation is at a very critical crossroads–perilous times are ahead!

Please get serious about living for God.  Please–do it for yourself . . . for your family. . .  for your church . . .  for your community.   Please . . . do it for America!!

Out of time: Radical Islam Taking Over Europe & West

A short video you’ll never forget–the Holocaust, through the eyes of a Muslim cleric

Don’t kid yourself, they wish the same to ‘American Oppressors’  (aka: you and me)

Children of the Holocaust

First Beast Rising